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So this game came out last month on steam and Yosho (aka scytheful) and a handful of TF2 regulars bought it and played it quite a bit... and they convinced me to give it a shot! It's apparently a commercial ut2004 mod (don't quote me on that, though, I may be wrong) and it's pretty fun. It's also pretty scary trying to solo the game on normal, it's designed for 6 player co-op. The game uses a "perk" system that tracks your progress with specific weapons and actions and unlocks new levels of each of the 6 perks for hitting specific goals (such as shooting 30 zombies in the head with one of 3 specific weapons for the sharpshooter), and teams that hope to win will usually have balanced perk selection. The perks themselves offer quite a few benefits, such as reduced weapon prices, reduced damage from zombies, or increased damage output for specific weapons. Speaking of weapons, there are quite a few of them built into the game, and the game also supports UT style mutators so there are probably people working on weapons to add into the game as well!

The game is 20 dollars through steam, and it's quite a change of pace from TF2/L4D. http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250/ if you want to check it out, unfortunately there's no demo but there is a trailer available, and there are some gameplay videos on youtube.


Since those of us who have been playing (Yosho/Scytheful, !! and his friend ??, Ceracryst, meatball, V!tal, F4T4L, and I) have been relying on one of us to host, I decided to go ahead and order a private dedicated server from gameservers.com, at least so the games don't end when the host calls it quits.

Server IP:Port

The password is norandoms

hopefully some more of you guys will get interested in the game, we had some epic times earlier where Ceracryst tried to chainsaw a Flesh Pound that was at full health while it was targeting me. It resulted in my body being torn to a pulp of course!


I thought about getting this for a while, mainly cause Yosho keeps asking me. I was hoping it'd be on sale soon though through steam. Damn deals never happen when you want them to. I'd really like to try it out first before I get it though.


yeah, i feel you on the lack of demo, and i waited until the weekend because i WAS hoping for a deal :[

There have already been a lot of KF/L4D arguments all over the place lately, but really the closest comparison would be like, imagine if L4D survival mode utilized the entire levels, had random ammo/weapon drops but no infinite ammo to grab from, and you could buy ammo/weapons during the lulls with cash earned from killing zombies. Which really i guess makes it sound more like L4CS but with 6 players and nastier zombies. Really the biggest difference (and the hardest adjustment for me) is iron sights. but once i got the hang of it it's actually quite nice. but i guess that getting a description still doesn't give you actual game time :P

if you have UT2k4 you could probably install the old mod version, i'm not sure how different it is, compared to the commercial release, though.

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