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*NO* Akumajo Dracula X: Rondo of Blood 'Symbol of Darkness'

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Song Name: Symbol of Darkness

Game Arranged: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood

Song Arranged: Dance of Illusions

Comments: Not much to say about this except its a heavily remixed version of Dance of Illusions.

ReMixer Name: Corlen Belspar

Real Name: Mike Crain

E-Mail Address: corlenbelspar@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.fifthindependent.com.

UserID: 20415


Akumajo Dracula X: Rondo of Blood Original Version - 14 "Illusionary Dance"

The articulations of the sampled strings were pretty fake and exposed at the beginning; the brass later on was flimsy as well. The (German?) vocals at 2:25 were mixed too low for the most part, and the overall textures were pretty empty.

It was an interesting track combining orchestration with tribal drum rhythms, but unless I completely have the wrong tune, this didn't sound like the source tune at all. The linked video has the source start at :11. I didn't recognize much, but I'd love to hear from someone else more familiar with the tune. That said, the execution needed some work as well.



Yeah, I can't find much source in this one. Sounds more inspired by than an arrangement of the source. Execution was decent but the whole track felt empty. The instruments lacked presence and body which brought the track down. So yeah, I can't sign off on this one... If we've got the wrong source, do tell ;)



"Dance of Illusions" has been used in a few of the Castlevania games, I found out while researching it, but all the versions I listened to had the same structure and melody, that I don't hear in this arrangement at all. It's similar stylistically, and I liked the oppressive mood and sound, but this isn't something we can take. If it does turn out you just had the name of the source wrong, please let us know, but the fact that you mentioned it was heavily remixed leads me to believe you did intend this to be inspired stylistically by that song.


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