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OCR01119 - *YES* One Must Fall 2097 'And You Must Dance'

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Methinks we need the original or someone familiar with it... seems pretty good, otherwise... -djp

Hey DJ P!

We worked hard on this new version of the One Must Fall PowerPlant theme, and we're ready to submit it today!

Remixer Handle:

Section 3 Studios

Email: SSJ5NeMesis@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.SectionIIIstudioS.tk

Title: "And You Must Dance"

Game: One Must Fall 2097 / PC/DOS.

Thanks for your time! Enjoy! :)


Not quite that straightforward. The repeating is well within my Yes-Bounds. Theres plenty of arrangement to match it up.

This song really moves. Author doesn't seem to tone down the action at any one point; It doesnt seem like he/she even wanted it to.

Plenty of change up. Good length.

Here comes the ending...

eh, could have been better.

Very nice still.



(how could you own a pc in the late 90's and not be familiar with the original?! For shame!)

Great momentamum. Nice change ups. Definitely an intellect behind the wheel trying to do things with a techno piece. Like some of the other pieces judged recently, it's not a mind-blowing affair, but certainly within the realm of a YES


I'm not quite as positive as my other counterparts on this one. I find this slightly redundant, but the change ups and constantly driving momentum definitely are expertly handled and do make the redundancy less of a factor. Production values are good, although the sharp sounding synth isn't really to my liking. I'll be honest, I've been listening to this quite a lot in the last week and it's really not my cup of tea. The ending is very unsatisfying also. But the technical aspects are pretty much there for postage, and this is definitely a unique production.


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