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The Gaming Soundscapes Series of Videos


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First of all, a big hello to everyone! My name is George and I'm from Greece!

I am a VGM lover and of course a VGM remix fan! I have lots of game soundtracks and remixes, and because of that I was thinking of a way to contribute somehow in the VGM community.

So I made the Gaming Soundscapes videos. It's a series of videos lovingly dedicated to VGM and all its fans!

Please, take the time to have a look at them and tell me what you think of them!

You can find all my videos here!

I am waiting to hear from all of you. Please feel free to suggest, complain, discuss and request anything related to VGM!

Hope to hear from you soon, George!

P.S: OCRemix ROCKS!!!

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I'm not sure I quite "got it". The videos just look like really extended previews of games set to its own music. I think the "soundscape" you called it gave the idea it would be something else.

However, it looks like you chose the best videos and songs to represent. That Contra video I saw immediately kicked ass. That sentence structure works both ways too. Its like getting to really sample both the game and soundtrack without having to go too far away.

More could've been done, but I can definitely see the worth of these videos. 7.5/10

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My intention for these videos, is to showcase some of the great videogame music pieces, while at the same time showing the game which they are being featured into, and I try to give some info too :).

The "soundscapes", is mainlly, because in every video, the combination of the video footage and the music gives the viewer the intended feeling. Like you said about the Contra video. "It immediately kicks ass". That's one of the things I'm trying to achieve! To give to other people, the same feeling we had when we played (and listened to) those games.

Ultimately, I try to show that VGM is an art, something wonderful and magical to as many people as I can. Essentially the Gaming Soundscapes videos, are "targeted" towards the crowd that either doesn't know these games and their great music, or the crowd that is interested in VGM and wants to know more.

I'm preparing a second series of videos, "RemiXed: Gaming Soundscapes". which will feature VGM remixes, and I 'd really like to collaborate with many of you on that part.

Xavier, would you care to elaborate on "more things could 've been done?" Please do share your ideas and thoughts, and help me improve these videos as best as I can:)!

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Maybe something that didn't consist entirely of game footage? It's not exactly pushing any envelopes... you just put a music track over game footage. It's not even really edited in any way.

Quite frankly, this is all uninspired, flat and rather pointless. I get that you wanted to show what the music was trying to convey... but just playing to game footage doesn't really do anything.

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Hmm.. Ok, That's a good point there. So what would you propose?

I can always put art from the game in between the game footage, and as for the editing, well I can do some transitions and stuff, but I think if i go overboard with effects and transitions, whoever is watching might not take a good look at the game.

After all apart from the music part, it's a good thing to also show the gameplay... right?

Trust me, my intent is not to push the envelope... My focus is elsewhere as I explained to the previous post, but none the less, I am always up for some good ideas or suggestions! Sorry that you didn't like the videos though Damned :(...

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Hmm.. Ok, That's a good point there. So what would you propose?

I can always put art from the game in between the game footage, and as for the editing, well I can do some transitions and stuff, but I think if i go overboard with effects and transitions, whoever is watching might not take a good look at the game.

After all apart from the music part, it's a good thing to also show the gameplay... right?

Trust me, my intent is not to push the envelope... My focus is elsewhere as I explained to the previous post, but none the less, I am always up for some good ideas or suggestions! Sorry that you didn't like the videos though The Damned :(...

(Hey, If you did fail medical school... then you deserve the "The", and i'm sorry to have omitted it! LOL! Anyway... you didn't tell me your suggestions!)

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I really wish for Xavier or The Damned...or somebody else who's interested make a suggestion, request or even a complaint!

Come on guys... These videos are inspired by you, and made FOR you! We are all VGM lovers here, so by all means let the feedback begin!

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Well I think most of us got a bunch of things to do IRL but still, how much of our time does a post takes to?

Anyway, I am still waiting your feedback, y' all

P.S: If anyone know any sites with good quality game footages, perhaps even whole video walkthroughs, apart from Youtube... Let me know. You will be given credit for your contribution! Btw,the next Gaming Soundscapes will be about the PSX game, Nightmare Creatures!

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