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* Gunjan Patel

* dj.playuhh@gmail.com

* http://soundclick.com/djplayuhh

Submission Information

* F-Zero

* Big Blue

* Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)

* One day I was on Youtube and I decided to look up the theme song for the original F-Zero Big Blue because I remember it being one of the badassest compositions I have ever heard. After listening to it again after many years and finally being at the point in my musical abilities where I might be able to recreate it to at least something even remotely acceptable in comparison to its greatness; I decided to take a crack at it. Here is the my symphonic rendition of SNES F-Zero's Big Blue originally composed by Ishida and Kaneoke. Composed for Double Bass, Cello, Violins, French Horn, Trombone, Drums. I hope you like it--- the instrument set I chose was a nightmare to mix down. Enjoy!


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=fz - "Big Blue" (fz-02.spc)

The arrangement was conservative, but did a good job creating a new feel to it, especially with some good new original supporting instrumentation writing. Valiant effort, just super rough execution when it comes down to it.

The string articulations were noticeably fake (though better that what a lot of beginners pull off), the textures weren't cohesive at all, and it felt like there was some minor, but constant distortion going on. The core beatwork was also extremely boring and needed more substance. The other Js will have more to say about everything.

Decent first sub; keep at it, as you have a lot of potential, Gunjan.



Production is lacking. The drums especially are clipping. The rest of the instruments sound flat and lifeless and fake. The drums are also very loud and together with the brass they basically take over the track. Work on using the samples, carefully balancing the volume of the different tracks and maybe look up some info on mastering/mixing in general.

Arrangement did a good job with the new support writing but it was unrealistically written. For example the strings never ever played legato which sounds really strange in the faster sections. Also stuff like 1:43 in the strings sound sloppy. Arrangement still showed some promise but could stand to be longer, develop more and be sequenced more realistically.

Overall this has some way to go but you have some potential so be sure to check out the Workshop forum, #ocrwip on irc.enterthegame.com and search around the net for music production tips. Good luck!



The arrangement concept is cool, a drastically different feel to the material. But it was short, and I thought a little underdeveloped. It stuck to the original very closely, and though the new writing and drums added to the piece, it still seemed conservative. A less bombastic original section could have balanced the rest of it while adding more interpretation. And while this could be just me, I think there's too much overplaying here, adding notes unnecessarily. I'd go back over your 1:40 section and be more thoughtful with your string writing there. It sounds unpolished and not that melodic to me.

The articulations weren't great, especially the strings. I'm no expert on how to fix that stuff, but folks in the Workshop forum might be able to help you. The mixing was also unbalanced, focused too much on the drums and brass. It ends up clipping, it's so loud.

This isn't ready to pass here, but I like the general ideas and I hope you work on it some more.

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