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Hi Pretzel!

Here's a link to a Remix of the One Must Fall 2097 Theme by Kenny Chou I made some time ago. DE Entertainment even put it on their fanpage on www.omf.com. Hope you like it! Not one of my best, but really popular among OMF staff and and fans alike (actually I wonder why I haven't sent you this earlier and why no one else did)...

My homepage: www.nexxyz.tk


Best regards,

Thomas mailto:nexxyz@web.de


this is very straightforward techno. there is absolutely nothing original about the synths or the beat. the stringy synth in the middle gets bothersome, perhaps some reverb could help, but i dont like the bendy nature.

what sealed it tho is that it is repetitive and doesnt escalate at all.



Apparently I judged the wrong OMF song. My bad

This is not anywhere near as good as the original in my opinion. The chords used at 2:23 are just wrong. It kills the songs to change the chords for the worse. Remixes should try to improve on all aspects and degrade nothing.

Ending really sucks. Way too much repeating. No improvement over the original.



This would have been innovative about... ten years ago. As Veggilante said, it's very straight-forward. TOO straight-forward. It's pretty dull as far as techno goes, really. Got some decent ideas, but the overall lack of expression on the synths (besides the filter ramps thrown in here and there) leaves it sounding dull and boring. Also, I noticed some over-compression at 1:43 after one of the previously mentioned filter ramps. As far as the samples/synths themselves go, it almost sounds to me as though they all came from the same tone generator, and it gave all of them this SOUND that I can't quite put my finger on, but it just makes them seem low quality. Nothing new here as far as synth textures go, anyway. The marimbas or whatever those are sound pretty neat, though. The arrangement also left me pretty bored, since it does repeat a bunch. Wouldn't have been so bad if the individual elements of the song were interesting.



I think this is a good mix. It has a lot of interesting elements to it, like the filter sweeps and whatnot. I don't think this was meant to be a crazy wild song. The remixer kept breaking down then building up to add more interest in the mix.

I think this can pass.



Stick with the Jaguar through every curcuit. It werkz. Trust me. ^^

While it is true that I'd be the first person here to chastise somebody for not being inventive/daring/crazy enough, I give a little slack for those games that either a.) have no previous remixes or B) are dear to me. So this piece is working those two categories in earnest.

Yeah, it ain't the DiVinci Code of Techno. But it's some competant work and I found myself grooving through most of it, which is a fairly good barometer of music in my book.

I vote YES on the grounds that while it may not be showstopper, it's more than passable, and has a beat you can throw-down some tin to.

Raven... I'm comin' fo' you, biatch!


And here I thought that this latest batch was fairly cut and dry. Here we have quite a mixed bag. Some sections are really great, and other sections are very ho-hum. Some sections are really very empty, it sounds like it's just generic drums and bass, and a thin pad.

The section with the marimbas/vibe or whatever those instruments are are my favorite. The ending is also one of those give up endings we don't really like at OC. I will yes this on the grounds that the good outweighs the bad by a very narrow margin, and the cool sections of this mix are just too groovy.



I agree with the previous no votes. Although it seems that OMF's creators liked this mix enough, I (OMFG) have to say that it fails to retain the energy and creativity of the menu theme and is more of a step backwards in composition and even sound quality. This product is stale and unoriginal in comparison.


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