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Horangi Goes Downtown - Big Band


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Greeting all.

After doing several orchestral arrangements, I thought I'd dive into some big band arranging. Though I listen to big band, this is the first time I've ever attempted at actually arranging in this idiom. The source of the track is from Horangi Arirang from the Soul Edge Super Battle soundtrack. Eventually I'll add a clarinet solo that I'll play live, but that'll come later in the arrangement.

Except for the drums, acoustic bass and piano, the sounds are from Garritan Jazz & Big Band. The acoustic bass is called Dynamic Acoustic Bass from SONiVOX, the piano is from Pianoteq, and the drums are the tape kit from Groove Bias Drum Library. I'm using all of these libraries for the first time, so this track will be a great learning experience for me.

Thanks for listening. Cheers!


Track: http://groeserle.homepage.t-online.de/Downtown_WIP.mp3

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the arrangement is solid thus far, maybe add some harmony to the sax lines to make them juicer.

the only probably I forsee is that if you play the clarinet live, it's going to stick out like a sore thumb overtop of the balantly-not live saxes. You might want to stick to a sampled clarinet as well so there isn't that much of a contrast between the sounds.

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I'm not hearing that metallic reverb you're mentioning. It's set to a medium-size room setting, though I can experiment with other reverb settings. From what I'm seeing so far from Garritan, the samples I'm using aren't affected by velocity, but rather by the mod wheel. Do they sound too even throughout the entire WIP or just in a certain area?

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