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  • 2 weeks later...

haha nice man, my friends and I were thinking of trying that out. I'm pretty damn sure it will work too.

Are you familiar with using midi-controllers? Cuz I think that drum kit should be about the same as any other midi-controller. The key to the matter will be the fact that you probably won't be able to control a different channel (hence different instruments) with each separate pad on the kit. These are the steps I would recommend to circumvent this issue (as this has worked in the past for me with other controllers):

1. Start a new project, make sure you are connected and make sure you have the required drivers (obviously). You can tell whether or not your midi interface is working properly by examining the orange 'MIDI' light to the left of the master pitch and volume knobs. If it's not flashing when you hit the drum, restart FL Studio. If it still doesn't work, make sure your controller is enabled under Options-->'Midi Settings'-->Input.

2. Open all of the sounds you want to play on your drums into different channels in one pattern

3. Make one note for each sound, and make sure they are each nice and spaced apart. (Or you could just make a nice little loop using each sound, whatever floats your boat)

4. When you're done with this, export the pattern.

5. Start a new project, and re-import this pattern into FL Slicer. Hypothetically, this should isolate each sound into a different key on the piano roll.

6. If the drum controller is anything like either of my midi-controllers, you should be able to select which notes play which instruments. Like on my EWI, I could set the kick to be C3 and the hat to be A3, etc. You'd think that the drums would work this way also; each pad on the kit triggering a different piano roll note.

7. Then, to record, just click the record button to the right of the stop button on the dashboard and select 'automation and score.' This will dump all of the acquire midi information into the piano roll for the given channel. Also don't forget to quantize the notes to your liking (basically a 'snap-to-grid' scenario).

8. LET ME KNOW IF THIS ACTUALLY WORKS. If it does, I would trip. HAHA! 8)


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