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Well, as per a post in the "Requests" forum, I've started work on a remix of the intro theme from Dark Cloud 2. Mind you, I've never played the game (although it looks quite cool), but I liked the theme. Here's what I've got so far: http://flexstylemusic.com/downloads/misc/dc2intrormx.mp3

This is a very rough mix so far. I've got a lot of the sounds I want (very deadmau5-esque is what I'm aiming for), but I'm not at all satisfied with the arrangement. Any suggestions for any part of the song would be appreciated!

EDIT: Here's the source, if anyone cares for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_QNJT24Dnw

EDIT2: Updated mix. http://flexstylemusic.com/downloads/misc/dc2intrormxb2.mp3

EDIT3: http://flexstylemusic.com/downloads/misc/dc2intrormxb3.mp3 New kick drum, more mastering, a bit of EQ on the mau5pluck, and some re-programming of drums/percussion.

EDIT4: http://flexstylemusic.com/downloads/misc/dc2intrormxb4.mp3 Piano intro. A little more arrangement--just a little.


Keep in mind, I've never heard the source, so I'm goin' simply based on the music I hear.

Goin' for a progressive house feel, eh? I can definitely see where you're going with this one. I can hear the famous 'mau5' synth and you have some nice flanged electro sounds in the middle. I think you might want to shorten that mau5 sound even further though (a nice solid staccato), especially if you're going to hit them on every 8th note. It needs a tad more punch and a nice reverb tail with some delay effects (extremely important!). I love your main lead choice; sounds chippish, which really seems to work!

The most immediately striking thing about this is the kick you use. I'm not really a fan of that sound choice. I'd prefer something nice and deep; but that could just be an artistic choice. What is it from? Also, some of the kick variations aside from the straight up quarter note 4/4 beat are kinda iff-ey; they throw me off a little bit. (Maybe that's what you were going for though)

Also, it sounds like that clap sound is layered with something...which also sounds lo-fi-ish (a snare?). I'm not a big fan of that either. You could just search some sample libraries for a new clap, perhaps? I think you should try to include reverse claps in your beat too (2 bars: Bum Cha Bum Cha Bum Cha Bumsheeeka). You should probably also add another layer of drums to fatten the mix up a little bit (if you've listened to 'Jaded', aside from the Kick-Snare combo, there's a nice light latin-percussion loop being used). So I guess in general, percussion is a bit lacking.

Some other cool things you could include are some nice pads (which you could sidechain with a more powerful kick for a nice booming effect) and some 'wind build-ups' which you've surely heard if you've listened to a bunch of deadmau5. I HIGHLY recommend you listen to bLiNd's latest piece, Golbez n' Goblins, for some ideas

I've got to say though, I'm a big fan of your work (Imago Deo, etc). I would have LOVED to hear another track in that style (especially since I was basically playing that on loop for two weeks and showing all of my homies, bahahaa!), but it's nice to see that you're diversifying your repertoire. Good start, and best of luck!


Oh, and I would love to hear feedback on my latest submission.

Music link: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=582991&songID=7847850

Thread link: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24445


haha, now I definitely hear 'Faxing Berlin.'

True, you added more percussion, but you ought to build it up more (additive composition). See: 3:01 of Faxing Berlin (

). He has a TONNNNN less going on musically in that track but his use of additive composition keeps the drums fresh. So aside from your initial drums, perhaps you could use some ta-ka-tss-un-ts? (hahaha onomat's are awesome)

I still maintain that you should try to find a deeper kick sound though. That and maybe bias it more low-end to create that nice sidechain-type effect (although this is more artistic choice, again, and very well may not sound good with the rest of instrument choices).

Either way, keep at it! I think you're headed the right way.


Wow, I like that new kick a lot more. That Mau5-synth sounds a lot better too; and that wasn't even really an issue before. Maybe I should listen to the original now so I can give you arrangement feedback; this is soundin' DAMN good as its own track.

At this rate, this mix is gonna be really sick.


hey, thanks for the comments, so now I'll return the favor:

First of all, the good:

-it's a very stylish piece, production values are pretty good, and the buildups and placement of the melodies is pretty much perfect. no annoying harsh end here...haha

That said,

-I think your kick is too clicky; more bass and less 1khz would make it more "faxing berlin-esque" if that's what you're going for.

-add a delay fx send, make it stereo bounce, send your stabs to that. mix to taste. this will add more depth to the stabs

-the piano feels very robotic to me - the writing doesn't help. if the chords were a bit more flowing, it would help tremendously

other than that, there's not much to say except that I really like it. Keep it up!

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