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*NO* Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 'Snake Sports Puma to Break'

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This is J:/Drive of WaveTheory. I recently have been doing a lot of music on my own, and such. I would like to submit this OLD peice that I did a while back in 2001. Around the same time I did "A World Awaits Chrono". This is the "GAME OVER" phrase or theme(which ever musical term you wanna use) of Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. It has sampled audios ranging from the games actual gun fire to clips of Snake, Otacon, and the Lutenat. It keeps the basic GAME OVER theme but ventures off into a highly original composition BUT! keeps a very METAL GEAR SOLID feel and theme. I consider it a REMIX, because it revolves around that little GAME OVER phrase and I wouldn't have come up with any of the other melodies without that one phrase. So I hope you enjoy, it's more hip hop flavor, so it might be harder for some to enjoy, and might not be your cup of tea. Anyhow, it's older, and the quality might not be up to WaveTheory PAR, but I still want to submit it. It was meant to be submitted along with A.W.A.C. but, ya know? can't submit 2 at the same time.

I also tried to submit my 600 A.D. theme, but I guess that was declined. Anyhow, here's the information:

artist: JDriveWT

game: Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

title: Snake Sports Puma to Break

Genre: Electronic Hip Hop

Thanks pretzel.

Even if it's not submitted, I'll get workin' on another one soon. hmmm.. what to do that nobody has done yet...



Theres this hella annoying vocal sample that plays through the WHOLE SONG NON STOP :(

A great deal of vocal samples, sound effects, and spliced clips. Very weak percussion. Great deal of repeating. Little attention to key with the orchistra clips.

I can feel the talent here, but its poorly focused on the wrong elements of the song.

Way too underdeveloped, but above all else, its very annoying.



Yeah this definitely sounds like a "remix", not a rearrangement that is what is required for OC posting. I don't hear any work done on the melody or harmony that is at least standard for an arrangement. For this reason I think this is a definite no.

This piece itself is actually pretty nice. I like what you did with it, and all the nice little additions that are typical of "remixes." Good work chopping things up, laying down the beats, putting it all together, but this really isn't OC arrangement material. So no.


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