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get Cave_of_Forsaken_HeroesOC.mp3 from HTTP serv

This is my first submission, first remix, and first completed song. Created with FL Studio Producer, mouse, and keyboard. I've been a fan of the site for years, and thought Crystalis needed some respect. I did NOT do this mix with the idea of Halloween in mind. The timing is just a bit coincidental. I look forward to seeing it bashed by the judges.

Remix: Cave of Forsaken Heroes

Captain of Oblique IX

Email: cptnobliqueiix@aol.com


I agree with protricity on the override. But I felt for the mixer's sake a second opinion might be helpful.

There's almost no arrangement here, other than including the occasional sound effects here and there. My main problem with this mix that just ruins the experience is the ugly sounding guitar that is constantly there throughout the mix. At times it is very ear piercing at the higher notes.

This needs a lot of work in the ideas and compositional concept. Better instruments that aren't so grating, and some drumwork. This mix sounds like a conservative arrangement of the piece, built around a lot of sound effects which don't really work in my opinion.

There are some good ideas here, and it does take talent to put these together, but this needs a lot more polish and effort in the execution department.


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