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Hello everybody!

I'm working on this "in-game" theme.

First of all, you should see this video to get an idea about this ("old but good") game (and its music).

If you prefer, you should ear the "original" file which my work is based on (this is the amstrad CPC version); In that case, you will need the player or the winamp's plug-in

Then, you will find my remix :


The project run well, as you see, because the theme is already "re-built" and I'm working on the solo part. Of course the style used is jazz, because the original give me this feeling.

I would ask your opinion about the work done. Beside the fact that I'm taking my time to do this remix because I need step back, I think there is some details that goes out of my mind.

Also, I'm wondering about adding the presentation theme at the beginning of the mix, with the guitar/piano duo at a lower tempo. Then, the rest of the music would start by changing the tempo just before the drums "break".

On this way, I'm also considering finishing the solo and the music by the "game over" theme with a pitch modification (go one-half or one pitch upper).

So if I could have your opinion, I will appreciate ^^.

Big thanks in advance :-D !


Wow! Thanks for your reply!

By samples quality, do you mean a particular sound, or the global rendering?

I'm still discovering my new keyboard, and maybe there are similar sounds that could give a better overall quality :?:

(I mean, that I did not may choose a good sound for one of the instruments ?)


Oups, didn't see spakku's answer, sorry ;)

So this is the global quality that doesn't go very well...

Look funny: I own the last roland's keyboard, it must be better that this old PS1 audio chip :lol:

At last, I have to look for virtual sounds... or ask for a real jazz band :-P

Thanks again ;-)

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