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*NO* Final Fantasy Tactics 'Somebody to Love'

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ReMixer name: Aeternity

User ID: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=29058

Game arranged: Final Fantasy Tactics

Individual song arranged: Hero's Theme (by Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Decided to do a trancecore-esque take on a simply awesome, but emotional song, illustrating the journey and struggles of our main "hero," Ramza Beoulve.


A good production, and there was clear effort involved in changing up the sections. Even though the source melody is used over and over, it's used in a few different ways, sometimes leaving out notes, sometimes adding notes, sometimes doubled. There's good variety and transitions.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. The lead figure that gets introduced at 2:07 gets used a few too many times in a row, 1:40 of the song in total. That's a LOT. I think stretching this song out to 6:30 is a little long, and that's a good place to start cutting. Also, the resonant instrument that starts at 0:43 is just a little too... resonant. I had to turn down my volume to listen to that part, it's too piercing. At a lower volume with some EQing, I think it could work.

Definitely not bad for a first sub of this. Though other judges may not like the straightforward arrangement approach, I thought this was just a few edits away from a pass. Please send us another version!

NO (resubmit)


It started out strong enough, though I question the inclusion of the segment i'll refer to as "omg lazorz pew pew". It seems more irritating than awesome, to be totally honest.

It could be the volume, it could be the non-connection to the source, i'm not sure. I think it's that it goes from harp and some pads and saws straight to teh lazorz. Like the source was just an intro to them. I didn't hate it's inclusion near as much the second time through, where it felt more like an awesome breakdown, rather than the main hook. I think just positioning it in the song's flow better would warm me up to it.

There is enough energy and drive throughout, and production is above the bar, though some of the levels could be a bit more balanced, as some of the highs get a bit much in some areas. There is attention to detail in making the main source segment fresh enough throughout, and some really cool uses of it.

I think if this was edited down a bit, this would be a pass for me.

no, please resub

  • 3 weeks later...

Do you really play the zither? If so, that's rad man.

I'm on board with everything OA and Palp have said. The style calls for some repetition, so I'm willing to accept some of it, but I would definitely try to trim this down by a couple minutes or so. I'd say 4 minutes, MAYBE 4 1/2 MAX should be a good length for it. I don't really have any severe production gripes.

I realize that may seem hard to do because in this style of music, you're pretty much just doing it the way it's usually done, and us asking you to cut out some of that may seem kind of pretentious/demanding, but that's just what our guidelines call for. Meet us in the middle with a resubmit, and I think this one could see the front page.


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