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*NO* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade) 'Stage 1'


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My name's Will Dayble, I'm in charge of the art direction and music for the production of a computer game called 'Tyrannosaurus Rocks'. I've been playing around with remixes of some of my favorite old games, in practice for the production of the real music for the game.

I had a lot of fun with this one.

Mp3 is here:

Remix is by Bankai: http://www.bankai.fm

Great site by the way, surprised I didn't find it earlier. :)

- W.


Arrangement sounded pretty cool from what I could make of it, but this is pushed so loud, the quality really suffers. This must be fixed to be less distorted - on my Winamp visual EQ, the bars are nearly solidly at the top. Otherwise, this seemed like a pretty cool mix that builds itself off the bassline of the original.

NO (resubmit)

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Absolutely not. "It's supposed to sound like that" is not ever an excuse for sloppiness. No dice there, what an unfortunate deal breaker.

It seems we're getting a lot more tracks that use direct sampling, or that go for the whole starts-out-source-then-crossfades-to-remix or whatever, I'm not sure how I feel about it, to be honest. Sometimes I think it could be cool, other times a bit gimmicky. I dunno.

Anyway, yeah, the mix is very nostalgic and very TMNT-ish, really brought back the days I used to play these games. But honestly, whether it's electro or death-metal, we expect you to be reasonable with your production. That's why music playing devices have volume control on them. We can listen to it loud without all the clipping and distortion that way.

I'm only coming across as harsh, because I like the track and I'm disappointed in the poor judgment call there.

NO fix it and resubmit.

(this is what I call a "brick")


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