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Wtf, I just bought my new DS... Christ, this is too much. First the PsPGo trash, and now this? Totally unneccesary, Nintendo. Just invest your time and huge piles of cash money into your next NEW system design.


A DSi for old people who have trouble seeing on the current system will have a better time with this. It doesn't have to appeal to you specifically because you probably aren't the one who will benefit. So if you're one of those people whining because you bought a DSi, stop it.

Bigger screen = bigger pixels as well. That means the images, 3D stuff especially, will look worse.

My problem with the DSi is that I still don't have a reason to care. They don't really release anything of particular quality on the shop channel thing for it besides maybe WarioWare, I haven't seen any OMGINEEDIT DSi exclusives, and I don't really want to take pictures with my DS. I'm still overwhelmingly satisfied with my DS Lite, and I don't see anything changing.

I guess the issue is that the DSi LL doesn't bring anything terribly new to the table. It's got a bigger screen, which is nice, and a stylus that looks like a cheap novelty pen. But it sacrifices some of the size benefits of the DS Lite and DSi models. For my money, until they give me a DSi exclusive Mario, Metroid, or Zelda title (or even something different, like a Kid Icarus game for instance), I won't be investing in a DSi anytime soon. Sorry Nintendo, I'm a huge supporter and I'm glad you're successful, but I don't need another DS for a while. Thanks anyway.

The WarioWare (DSiWare) game isn't very good anyway, btw. Mario vs. Donkey Kong has really been the only worthwhile DSiWare game so far IMO, which is unfortunate that the system isn't being using to its best advantages (my reason for buying it)...and still no virtual console for DSi, which makes no sense, haha. Anyway, the DSi's screens are definitely improved over DS/DS Lite and having that soft reset to the DSi menu is nice, but still I could give no definitive reason to recommend that someone switch to one from a DS Lite.

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