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*NO* Jurassic Park (SNES) 'Hot Steppin' Dinosaurs'

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Remixer Name - Gario

Real Name - Greg Nourse

Website - None existent (need to fix that problem, someday :P)

Forum ID - 22898

Game Arranged - Jurassic Park (SNES)

Song Arranged - Mountain Music

Composer - Jonathan Dunn

System - SNES

Remix - Hot Steppin' Dinosaurs

Comments - Hey, OCR J's! A few months after my last submission I present a sort of 'Trance/Techno' track for you all - to be honest I don't listen to enough electronic music to know my genres well enough (someone suggested just naming it 'Garionica' - maybe that's a new genre? lol). Anyhow, I sat down a few weeks ago and told myself "Screw this, I need to get off my ass and just write some music,", as I was in a bit of a slump. I searched through my library of games and found Jurassic Park. Remembering that it had some great music, I turned it on and found the mountain music and instantly knew it needed an electronic remix of some sort.

This is the result of a few weeks of hard work - and it's surely payed off. Enjoy!

Oh, and I personally feel people don't use vocal clips nearly enough in the music on this site, so I've included a few that should get people in the mood for Jurassic Park. If you've ever played the game that first sound clip should be ingrained into your brain - and set the mood for the rest of the music. Not everyone likes soundbites, but I love them - since this is my remix, I include them for everyone's listening pleasure :).


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=jp - "Triceratops Trot"

Cool source, Greg. I didn't hear a single bit of it in your arrangement. :< Not even a little bit. I fully admit I may be missing something, maybe some chords, but this just sounded entirely original apart from the vocal clips. I thought the arrangement was cool otherwise, a little thin production-wise. Where's my source?


Cool source, Greg. I didn't hear a single bit of it in your arrangement. :< Not even a little bit. I fully admit I may be missing something, maybe some chords, but this just sounded entirely original apart from the vocal clips. I thought the arrangement was cool otherwise, a little thin production-wise. Where's my source?


Pretty much, yeah. Don't get me wrong, I could hear subtle references here and there, but you need to make the connection much much more prominent than just a very watered down melodic reference (the lead square mostly) and some chords every so often.

And what's with that vocal clip(?) at 3:24? :lol: Man, take that crap outta there, lol.

Anyway, I did hear the connections, but they just need to dominate the mix and not be like a very very subtle undertone/cameo in a 6 minute mix. Production and groovewise, this mix is sick man, sounds great!



I gotta agree, it's really tough to find the source in this one-

The square wave also is pretty piercing, as is the reverse cymbals- you might want to tone down the higher frequencies on those.

There was plenty of cool breakdowns and stuff in here but it was way too liberal of a arrangement. Sorry dude. :-(


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