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Hey OCRemix,

Real Name: Paul Rosenthal

Remixer Name: Bigmowthp

Email: bigmowthp@msn.com

I looked but I dont know how I can find my user ID.

Name of Game: Shatterhand

Songs Arranged: Stage Select Theme, Area A BGM

Additional Info: Arrangement is called "With These Hands." I finally got a laptop that could really support my working on this project, so Im glad I was able to finish it proudly. Hope you guys like it! It was a goal of mine to submit something decent to this site before I go off to college, so hopefully this passes : )


http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14599 - 11 "Stage Select Theme", 01 "Area A BGM"

Right off the bat, I'm not liking the intro. Too dry, not a great EP sound, and rigidly sequenced to boot. The piano has the same rigid sequencing. It picks up after the intro but it never quite comes together for me until 2:22 with some very cool drums that fill the space. Before that, it never feels like it has reached its potential, always a little lacking. Arrangement-wise I thought the transition from the second EP part back to the main part was unmelodic, but otherwise the rest of the arrangement was not bad. This definitely needs some production work though. Hope you work on it, Paul.

NO (resubmit)


This has some really strong moments, but also some weaker ones.

Production has some specific issues that bring it down, specifically that some instruments seem to be overly dry, and some mixing issues, like the piercing high end synth leads. The drum sounds were overall very good, even sounded a bit like something Zircon would do in the second half. :-)

Transitions were a bit mixed as well. Some were absolutely badassed, like the gated and filtered ones, and some transitions just didn't have much going on, and it was a straight jump. The rest of the arrangement seemed pretty good, though not all the sections seemed really to gel perfectly.

Overall this is pretty close, but doesn't quite clear the bar. I know by now you are in school, and I hope that's going well, but if you could find the time to spruce this up a little, it's pretty close.

no, resub


I'm definitely on board with Vinnie and Andrew on this one. For all the stong moments, there are some equally weak ones. I'm not quite sure what to make of this remix on the whole. Not that that in and of itself is necessarily a bad thing. I usually enjoy when remixes don't lend themselves well to simple categorization, because it tends to show off more creativity. I think that's the case here, but again, unfortunately, everytime I thought a particular section was totally off the hook, the next section would retort with a resounding "meh". It's a pretty bi-polar mix like that, it seems.

I'm going to try to sum up some suggestions/comments quickly, pretty much echoing what's already been said:

-Do something about that intro.

-Work on adding some appropriate "wetness" to certain instruments.

-Clean up that section from 1:27 - 1:42

-The transition at 1:43 was great, but I'm not really impressed with the EP right after (the tone or the sequencing). Try something else, I guess?

-I thought 2:19 - end was pretty cool, can't say I have any problems with it. Nice work there :)

Hope to hear this one resubmit, I've never heard the Shatterhand OST before, and it's pretty dang awesome! Keep at it!


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