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New Year Hollidayrain!

To celebrate the coming decade, we give you some hollidaytrance, from Hollidayrain aka Sreyas Krishnan, of course.

Two sweet, floating melodic trance track for your progressive dance party! "Twent Mile Road" and "The Photoelectic Effect" are now released. He's been doing great on OURSTAGE lately and we wish him further luck with his pwnsome vibes.

In other news: The all new Platonistmusic.com will be launched tomorrow, along side some previously unreleased tracks. Be sure not to miss out on that! /Plato



Direct Downloads:

146: "Twenty Mile Road"


147: "The Photoelectric Effect"




This is some great trance/electronica. I really love the dynamics in both pieces. The percussion in Twenty Mile Road transforms from traditional trance to a sort of chill out or Latin electronica, providing a pleasant surprise. What really intrigued me about The Photoelectric Effect is the accent of the lead voice sample played throughout the song, which gives the piece a feeling that it came from a third world country. Excellent job.

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