Palpable Posted January 13, 2010 Posted January 13, 2010 Hi guys, So, here's my third (I think) attempt at getting a song on your site. Let's see how this one goes! Remixer Name: VikingGuitar Real Name: Erik Peabody Email: Website: UserId#: 25242 Game Arranged: Ghosts 'n' Goblins Song Arranged: Level 1 music So, this was done using Reaper ( as a DAW, Line6 TonePortUX2 and PodFarm for guitars and bass, EZDrummer for drums, and various plugins, VST's as effects, etc. Let me start by saying that the sound quality is supposed to sound exactly like it does. I usually do more high-quality sounding metal stuff, but I really wanted to emulate the old '50's surf-rock feel on this, so it's got that more of the upper/mid range thing going on, and I added just a *bit* of vinyl hiss and clipping to replicate that old record sound. Also, reverbed up the guitars like no one's business. Thanks for giving it a listen! -Erik --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Track 02 The style is cool, and overall the remix is decently put together, but this was split between sections that were very conservative and sections that were very liberal. Some in-between is needed to meet our criteria. Also, even though you're going for a 50's surf-rock sound, I think it oughta be crisper and less reverbed than this. It's pretty muted, think you might have overdone it. Hope this helps you improve, Erik. NO
DarkeSword Posted January 16, 2010 Posted January 16, 2010 The arrangement isn't too bad; I like the surf-rock sound. It's a fairly straight-forward genre-adaptation with some nice soloing. I think the real problem arises from the really saturated reverb. Without it, I think the mix would sound empty, but with it, the mix sounds hollow. There's a lot of empty space here and your elements get muddied up, especially the percussion. You should scale back on the reverb and go for a slightly cleaner sound. NO
anosou Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 Yeah, right off the bat you can't use the 50's excuse to make a track sound like this. While I appreciate the effort and nostalgia it takes away too much from the listening experience. The vinyl crackle/clipping were distracting and the reverb is muddying up everything. The reverb seems to be active on the bass/bassdrum too and that's generally a BIG no-no since it gives the track a disturbing rumble. Like Vinnie said your balance between straight source and original material needs to be tweaked a bit. Now it doesn't sound cohesive so I urge you to personalize your source usage a bit more and add hints to the source in the original section, make it one track not two! You show promise but this has some issue you'd have to take care of before I could comfortably pass it. Good playing though! NO(resubmit)
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