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Double Dragon dubstep remix (WIP, almost ready)


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I was bored with my battletoads dubstep remix, so I decided to put it aside for awhile.

Now I'am making double dragon dubstep remix and it's almost ready, but I need some feedback to complete it. If you have time plz give some thoughts about this tune. :)


Link: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_dub_le_dragon_(double_dragon_dubstep_rmx)v0.9.mp3



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For future reference - if you're gonna submit, you need the mix to be under 192kbps. Just do VBR V1 or V2 and it should average under 192.

I agree with J3 that this isn't OCR material yet, and that isn't dynamic enough. Your lead stuff is very nice and energetic, but the background is often pretty static. You have this pad that just kind of sits there and doesn't do anything. It really bogs down the pace of the mix. It's gotta be doing something more interesting.

Nice NES percussion breakdown, I'd say you could make it even crazier. Don't hold back there. Your percussion overall is decent, but I think you need a bit more going on to give things more forward momentum. Layer a couple more percussion parts into the mix, see how that works.

This mix is pretty solid all-around, there just always feels like there's something missing texturally. Try using a more interesting sound for that string pad in the background, maybe add some sort of synth countermelody in the mix, and more percussion. Just in general, the point of these suggestions is to make things feel a bit more alive and dynamic, like they have forward momentum, if that makes any sense. That's the kind of stuff that keeps a listener interested. You want things to compliment the nice lead stuff you have going on right now.

You have good stuff here so far, though. Just take it further!

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