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EX1&2 are two of my favourite way under-remixed OSTs. So I'm attempting one myself.

More than anything I'm concerned with some of my transitions (Chorus to Bridge). I've spent a lot of time on it recently so my ears are kinda saturated / brain fried so any ideas to take back to it next time would be gratefully received.

Many thanks if you took the time to take a listen


The SF-EX serie definitely needs moar remixes.

I like the genre and direction this is going into. It sounds a bit like the Ayako Saso's jazz arrange, but with a more direct and dynamic approach.

That intro reminded me of a song from Order of Ecclesia, can't remember which one, but I dug the piano arpeggio.

It's a really compelling work, I would just complain about the drums volume being a bit high and on the same velocity at all time.

And this very issue makes the break from 1:43 to 1:55 nearly unbearable, because it focuses heavily on exposing those very drums.

Plus, the overture transition for this particular break is a bit bland. Though the outro is much better.

It can be really awesome if you put some more work into it, and maybe break from the source a bit more.

Looking forward to hear the finished song.

ps: try Tindeck or Mediafire to host your song next time. It'll make it easier for people. ;)


Thanks for your comments :)

Heh I actually thought Youtube might work easier but I guess some people prefer an offline copy.

It's interesting you mentioning the drums, I have been trying some new humanising techniques like ghosting some of the snare hits. Some of the rolls are a bit flat. I think I obsessed with the drums a little too much and they ended up too high in the mix. Partly desperation to get a punchy sound as well.

I really hug the source on what might be considered 'the chorus' (my music theory is a bit weak, I could blather on about Sonata, Exposition, Re-capitulation and such but..there are gaps..). I'm kinda obsessed with that part.

I complete re-wrote bass for the verse at least (apart from following the tonics) and came up with a lead for it.

I feel like, there's a brick wall with remixing and I definitely need to smash through it to make this decent.

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