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WIP - Chrono Trigger Opening


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I was arround 1~2 years using Melody Assistant as Music workstation that crap's sound sucks , now i'm starting on FLStudio, i know some some things are messed up there, but there are some minimal details that I forget, i need to know all what i'm making wrong.

that's it, sorry using dA :P

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Honestly, it's really hard to tell exactly what I think from the quality of your upload, but here's to trying :D

From what I hear, I think some of your samples are poor choices. Those orchestral hits (or whatever they are?) just really make the song sound kind of weird and add this wall of noise (take away from the melody)...

The sax sounds really fake. I would recommend trying to find a live instrument, or taking a LOT of time to make it sound better (you'd probably have to get a new sample)... But honestly I think you would have better luck trying something else as the lead.

The drums are pretty cool... They are ambitious and are trying to give the song some needed excitement, they are like Phil Collinsesque... But the problem is, I don't really think the rest of the instrument choices sit with anything else. They also are very repetitive. You have a nice beat going, but do some breaks in there, do little nuances. They are also very overpowering with the snare, but I don't really feel like they are helping drive the mix, more like just forcing the beat in there (but are competing with the bass and orch hits)

It's hard to put my finger on what is wrong with your song honestly... It's basically like this... Your instruments don't make much sense in the scheme of the song... They are competing with each other instead of working together to make the song be more than a sum of its parts. Even when the choir comes in, it's just overbearing and kind of a "why is there a choir here?", in what it conveys.

Just when you make a song, think about your instrument choices, you really just want them to make sense when they are all played together. I know you are pretty much just starting out, but maybe you should update your samples or try to push for as much realism or a "legit sound" out of what you have.

Pick an instrument you really like, and ask yourself: Is this the best instrument I have to represent the song I am remixing, and do I have other samples to compliment it?

Build your song's soundscape around it, making choices kind of like fitting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle... Make sure the drumkits you use, the bass you pick, and everything else, is used to help highlight (in terms of contrast or compliment) what you want to convey throughout the song, as a whole.

Anyway, other than that, there really isn't much arrangement going on... It kind of sounds just like the original with (arguably) updated samples and a little more complex beat.

I am sorry if I sound harsh, but I hope you can take the good out of my advice and work on it more. Keep plugging at making music please! You've already got great taste for picking such an ambitious source material.

I can hear things being "there" but I just don't know if I can say much more until I hear a more cohesiveness as a whole. For now it just sounds like a wall of sound.

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Honestly, it's really hard to tell exactly what I think from the quality of your upload, but here's to trying :D

From what I hear, I think some of your samples are poor choices. Those orchestral hits (or whatever they are?) just really make the song sound kind of weird and add this wall of noise (take away from the melody)...

The sax sounds really fake. I would recommend trying to find a live instrument, or taking a LOT of time to make it sound better (you'd probably have to get a new sample)... But honestly I think you would have better luck trying something else as the lead.

The drums are pretty cool... They are ambitious and are trying to give the song some needed excitement, they are like Phil Collinsesque... But the problem is, I don't really think the rest of the instrument choices sit with anything else. They also are very repetitive. You have a nice beat going, but do some breaks in there, do little nuances. They are also very overpowering with the snare, but I don't really feel like they are helping drive the mix, more like just forcing the beat in there (but are competing with the bass and orch hits)

It's hard to put my finger on what is wrong with your song honestly... It's basically like this... Your instruments don't make much sense in the scheme of the song... They are competing with each other instead of working together to make the song be more than a sum of its parts. Even when the choir comes in, it's just overbearing and kind of a "why is there a choir here?", in what it conveys.

Just when you make a song, think about your instrument choices, you really just want them to make sense when they are all played together. I know you are pretty much just starting out, but maybe you should update your samples or try to push for as much realism or a "legit sound" out of what you have.

Pick an instrument you really like, and ask yourself: Is this the best instrument I have to represent the song I am remixing, and do I have other samples to compliment it?

Build your song's soundscape around it, making choices kind of like fitting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle... Make sure the drumkits you use, the bass you pick, and everything else, is used to help highlight (in terms of contrast or compliment) what you want to convey throughout the song, as a whole.

Anyway, other than that, there really isn't much arrangement going on... It kind of sounds just like the original with (arguably) updated samples and a little more complex beat.

I am sorry if I sound harsh, but I hope you can take the good out of my advice and work on it more. Keep plugging at making music please! You've already got great taste for picking such an ambitious source material.

I can hear things being "there" but I just don't know if I can say much more until I hear a more cohesiveness as a whole. For now it just sounds like a wall of sound.

guy... thats simply ALL I NEEDED TO HEAR, and i think thare still things you dont said XD

but i come to OCR simply 'cause i every heard that my audo always was kinda "blurry" near the others, and never knew what i was really making wrong, you helped me alot, just on the part of the drums i'm still a bit confused, but i think i can find me out over here

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