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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 'Terminal Anthem'


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Very cool textural changes to the original (love that instrument that sounds like dog barking), but it still felt conservative. :| Most of the major parts are still there, it's more of a sound upgrade. Credit where it's due, you did introduce a few brand new background parts and structurally it has changed.

With a production that sounds overcompressed and a little unbalanced, that swings me to a NO. Production is not a huge deal, probably some easy things to fix, but I'm not really feeling the arrangement, and the production issues tip the scale. Even with perfect production, I'm not sure I would pass this though it would be close. It needs more differentiation from the source, a new section, changed melodies, something.


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The guitar is out of tune in some parts. Not very much, but it's abbrasive to listen to.

I think there are too many production issues going on here. The instrumentation is poor around 1/4 of the way in with what sounds like a fake guitar playing the arpeggios. The compression is quite bad around this part too as it keeps dampening the entire soundscape leading to this random wavering effect in the volume.

The beats unfortunately sound like they were just thrown in to, needless to say, keep the beat. They aren't interesting in themselves.

This one needs a lot of work. The mix is conservative, without ever really leaving the realm of playing the arpeggios from the source. There's a fair bit of supporting embellishment. But it's not enough to warrant being called a remix. This is a NO

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the other judges brought up some good points, and though I thought some of the beats around the halfway point were cool, the mix as a whole seemed to go way long. I'd trim down some of the fat, and vary up what remains to be a little more adventurous. It's a solid foundation, but you'll need to go a few steps further.

Production is really overcompressed. Tons of stuff is getting smashed down, and there is a lot of mud. Cleaning up some stuff with EQ cuts in the mid lows will solve a lot of issues. Adding some additional high percussion like tambourine or shaker will also give it some more textural interest while filling up a few high frequencies.

It's a start, but there's a ways to go.


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