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This is something I just started working on the other day so it is pretty short so far. I feel like I have maybe an Introduction and an Ending/Outro right now, so I'm trying to figure out the middle and how I want to develop this song. As far as the drums go, I almost want to morph them into sort of a Drum and Bass type of feel instead of the slow ballad style that they are now. This is my second stab at a remix so thanks for any feedback! I'll try to put up an update within another week or two.

Original Source: Shadow's Theme from FFVI

*EDIT* (Link Updated)



Wow, nice! I really like that intermittent synth you used for the main melody (what is it, anyway?), and the guitar really brings a shady, badass, wild-west kind of feeling to the song. =D Interceptor's barking was also a nice touch. =)

I hope you develop this further, it sounds really nice so far!


I updated it already (at the top)...Added more of an introduction. However, I'm not sure if it really fits or meshes well with the original content that I had. It seems a bit forced right now into the transition (where the Bass/Synth start to come in), but I'll work on it more. And I still have a lot of work to do on the drums to make them more interesting, just trying to get the arrangement laid out right now. I may drop the synth all together and go more towards a guitar feel in the middle section to keep the song streamlined more.

Thanks Archangel

and thanks for any feedback


I think the reason it seems forced is because your intro melody doesn't fit with the chord progression of the main melody (it uses a completely different rythm, for a start); your intro actually reminds me more of a tune from Final Fantasy 4. It's great as a stand-alone but perhaps not suited to what you're remixing. Honestly, my personal suggestion at this point would actually be to drop the melody you're trying to remix and turn it into an original piece.

But that's not your main problem, your main problem is that you have a clash of styles. IMO, guitar + trance is not a good combo; pick one or the other and stick with it (I'd say stick with the guitar).


Well, there is an updated version now. I changed the middle section to mainly feature the acoustic guitar with some small nuances added and took out the synth. I feel like mainly what needs work is the lead guitar at the end section because of how robotic it feels right now (I'll probably just live record it instead, I don't think midi is going to cut it). This is basically the overall arrangement and I'm not sure if I should add some more material or not. I'm going to add fills and rearrange the drum parts and probably live record them as well. Hopefully I can do another update in 2 or so weeks.

Thanks for any feedback.


IMO, guitar + trance is not a good combo; pick one or the other and stick with it (I'd say stick with the guitar).

Starcraft did that well :D

But anyhoo, I do sense the forced feel to this track. Other then that I'm fine with it. Maybe my standards aren't as high. Meh. I dig this a lot :nicework:.

nice touch with the doggy sound =p

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