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i got access to the blur multiplayer demo today, and DAMN! that game is fun!

it plays a lot like extreme g for the n64 (one of my favorite games of all time, btw). it's very much a project gotham/need for speed style racer, with a heavy emphasis on picking up power-ups to attack other racers. it's got other elements, too, like using an EXP system to level up and unlock other cars and tracks, and using an achievement-based system like modern warfare 2 to add exp and extra abilities.

driving controls seem a touch sloppy, but in terms of the gameplay, it's very fun - and the graphics are easily the best of any racer i've seen (besides maybe forza 3, but it's a different style of game).

i might actually go and buy this game when it comes out. considering that i usually only buy two or three games a year new (mass effect 2, ff13, and halo: reach are it for me this year right now), i might pick it up sometime soon. the multiplayer is bloody spectacular.

sorry i didn't link to google, dude.

the beta's for 360 only. the game will be a cross-platform release, though.

It helps to show people what exactly you're referring to as googling it actually took some effort considering there are quite a few things referred to Blur before the link for the actual game comes up. Makes a good impression when you're trying to showcase something or share something.

Now in regards to requests then yes that's when it's best for the actual searcher to utilize all available options before finally giving up and asking where the fuck is it.

Just saying bro. :wink:

As for the game....

but I'm disappointed in not seeing at least one cop car with sirens wailing and lights flashing racing alongside the others for shits and giggles; or a beat up mini-van with fins. :lol:

After spending a couple of hours with the beta, I can't say I'm terribly impressed.

I like the idea for the game, but in execution, it feels a bit haphazard. The cars don't seem to handle right (maybe I'm doing it wrong) but I could never get a feel for the drifting on corners.

The powerups create total chaos, which is fun, but it sucks if you get caught in a situation with where you're in 5th and seem stuck in a tug of war between the guy in front of you and the guy behind you the entire race. I can't imagine ever doing a 20-car race and starting in the bottom 5 and having a realistic chance of reaching #1 because it seems like there's just too much to overcome. Unless there's some crazy computer assistance.

The graphics didn't impress me. The cars look nice, but most of the tracks I saw seemed to lack any character and were visually somewhat barren.

I do think it's nice touch you can actually dodge a red turtle shell, I mean shunt attack. I like the idea of 20 car races on paper, at least. And who doesn't love rolling starts?

Not sure if I like the idea of CoDing this game with perks. Also the car classes seemed to get unbalanced as the cars that unlock appear to have overwhelmingly better stats, instead of just 'different' stats. The problem here is that it gives the players who get those cars first, an unfair advantage, and lets them level up faster.

I do realize this a beta, but I can't imagine much can be tweaked at this point, other than car stats.

I prefer arcade racers over snore sims, but I think I'll wait for Split/Second, to get my fix in 2010. That or Motorstorm 3.


Originally Posted by BooDidley7 View Post


Haha, it's not terrible, it's just I don't see it as something most people would play for weeks.

Maybe I'm wrong about the drifting, and finding the 'sweet spot' somehow makes it feel better, or there's some other tweeks they can make to weapons. Maybe suspend them for the first 1/2 lap or something. Or maybe start everyone with a shield slot in the bigger races, so you got a chance at some of the alternate paths and to get away from some of the pack, before there's 10 different random projectiles being fired in your direction.

I don't know. Split/Second just looks comparatively awesome at this point. Too bad they're not doing an open beta, I'd really like to see how that plays.

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