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Click Me!

This was actually a birthday present for my mom. XD

I was kind of experimenting with some stuff, I'd just figured out what the slide tool is in FL Studio so you can tell I had fun with that. Haha. I wanted to add more but I couldn't think of anything in such a short amount of time (I think I finished it like...the day before her birthday so yeah).

I would totally add to it now but I only have the demo of Sytrus at the moment so...oh well. XD Man I wish I had a few hundred bucks on me.

I'd love any comments & criticism. I'm not the best musician in the world, but I try. (Also yes, my song names are really weird.)


You're pretty far ahead of me.. I was absolutely blown away by the first break down where it went silent and the core of your instrumentation came in. For lack of a better word it was perfect. Hell my girlfriend stopped as she was reading over her financial aid paperwork she'd been quite absorbed with and went "oh wow what's that?". Anyways, it was a very strong spine for your song...

Now for the criticism. I would really like to hear this with a completely redone lead synth. the whistling was very detracting from the smooth texture of the background ambiance. I liked the melody for the most part, but that could have been reworked to give it some more intensity. I'd even say throwing in a few effects or maybe another lead to clash or harmonize with a better first lead would make this professional grade material.

Very good stuff altogether. I can't wait to hear more!


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it!

Yeah, I always felt like the whistling was too much, but I wanted to have it somewhere and I didn't really think much about it at first. I'll probably remake it someday...when I get Sytrus. c:


When i saw "click me!" i thought, naw, that's GOTTA be a trap! lol

Anyways. I think the hi hit in the intro is a little loud. The rest of the track its fine though. I think the bass kick needs a little more bass to it and maybe boost the highs just slightly on only the bass kick make it stand out just a slight bit more. I really dig the spacey, far out there them of the track. I'm not too sure if that lead synth is the appropriate choice for the track, but you like it and that's all the matters. The synth that comes in around 1:51 to harmonize is nice though.

Its a great track and i'm glad i checked it out.

Btw, you aren't using beatcraft and mixcraft by any chance are you? Cause those instruments, and especially the cymbal crash at 2:46 sounds EXACTLY like the samples i have, lol. Just curious cause i use beatcraft and mixcraft 5. Also, send me a PM if your interested about Sytrus.


Hehe, naw I'm not one for tricking people I don't know well. XD

Thanks for the crits! c: And no, I use the fpc packs for the drums.


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