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i just started this mix about 2 weeks and have been going back and forth between it and another mix from area 5. its no where near being ready for submission, but just wanted some criticism, both good and bad. i would like to add another 1-2 minutes and make the intro a lot more fluid, but for now... here it is.

its the first song on my myspace profile. you cant miss it or complain its too complicated to find. http://www.myspace.com/whiterliar


People around here don't really like listening from myspace, the pages can take a long time to load and make the browser run slow. The main reason is that the myspace music player doesn't stream the music in original quality but in a compressed stream-friendly form. Just fyi.

Can't say much for sound quality since it sounds lo-fi, and I blame the myspace player for that. There are sound design/quality issues, and I'm not talking about the chippy synth sounds. Bass drum is a big offender here, often sounding like there's a glitch in the sample. Percussion levels could use an overhaul, too.

Arrangement is repetitive and there's repeated instances of clashing notes. You seem to have stretched your arrangement idea a bit too far. It gets into a nice groove but doesn't really go anywhere after 2:00. Despite the new material around 3:40 the arrangement as a whole seems stuck. Cutting a couple of minutes from it, or incorporating a second idea into it should help with that. There is more material in the original that you can draw from.

Keep at it. :D

People around here don't really like listening from myspace, the pages can take a long time to load and make the browser run slow. The main reason is that the myspace music player doesn't stream the music in original quality but in a compressed stream-friendly form. Just fyi.

Can't say much for sound quality since it sounds lo-fi, and I blame the myspace player for that. There are sound design/quality issues, and I'm not talking about the chippy synth sounds. Bass drum is a big offender here, often sounding like there's a glitch in the sample. Percussion levels could use an overhaul, too.

Arrangement is repetitive and there's repeated instances of clashing notes. You seem to have stretched your arrangement idea a bit too far. It gets into a nice groove but doesn't really go anywhere after 2:00. Despite the new material around 3:40 the arrangement as a whole seems stuck. Cutting a couple of minutes from it, or incorporating a second idea into it should help with that. There is more material in the original that you can draw from.

Keep at it. :D

i understand the myspace issues. thats why its a simple profile with no glitter graphics or dancing club sluts. its just for hosting music... but i guess given myspace users bloated profiles i can see why people are hesitant to click a myspace link.

the drums/percussion are temporary just to get the beat going to work to... 10-4 on that issue... it will be dealt with.

as for the clashing notes... i am a little unsure as to where you mean. could you give an example as to a time reference? as far as i can see everything is matched up visually as the timing of the different tracks. meaning... there is no channels that are out of timing sync with each other. if someone gives me an example ill investigate. i know its repetitive in the sense it has no break... but i was ultimately going for something you could drive to. i wanted something that stayed on course and didnt switch just went you got into it. still though, criticism is always taken seriously. the fact that you noticed the new groove at 3:40 makes me think your familiar with the game and its music. yes?


Not familiar with it at all, but it's common courtesy to look up the source when you comment on something here. It helps if ppl post a link to a youtube vid of the source or some other convenient (and legal) way of listening to the original. I checked it out, and noticed you had stripped out a lot of the melodies and pushed others to the background, you could bring them out more without foiling your idea of making it a driving groove.

As for the clashes, I'm talking about dissonance, not timing. 0:44's simple synth clashes with the bass, again at 1:30. 2:58 again. Those instances are all I notice now, but there could be more in your filtered backings. Less noticeable means they're less of a concern tho. ;)

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