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I only named it that because I don't have a name for it myself. This is something I whipped up long ago. It would sound much better had I been able to record it directly from the keyboard I created it on, but since I wasn't able to do that...

Prepare for monotony and possible ear pain. I'm not too good at music, but this is the only track I've created that I'm proud of, and doesn't sound like absolute crap.


Forgive me for this. I'm expecting the worst, so don't hold back!


I have decided to issue constructive criticism.

I recommend, firstly, that you use a metronome when playing. Secondly, I recommend "quantization". <---that's a link, btw

Unfortunately, I did not manage to listen to the whole piece, but if you implement at least the second suggestion, it should become listenable.

I have more things to say, especially about the chord progression, but that will come later once you've fixed up the timing of the notes. Keep at it, because you gotta start somewhere.

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