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So a few months ago I put together, largely for my own enjoyment but also planning to "release" it on the internet, 3 full-length volumes of what I call Raptendo 64. It consists of N64 music taken straight from the game and acapellas of rappers I admire. Throughout the 3 volumes, totaling 47 tracks, each track uses a different game as a source and likewise, no rapper is repeated, making for a nice collection of what I consider to be top-notch N64 and rap music.

The main aim of this project was simply to provide a way for myself to listen to video game music and hip-hop at the same time, two genres I love. But another big goal was to promote the idea of video game music as legitimate sampling material for the rap community, and likewise maybe turn vgm fans onto good hip-hop they may not know of. You can download all three volumes at the site below, or preview some tracks first.

Enjoy, and feedback is welcome!

Volume 1: http://pkmao.bandcamp.com/album/raptendo-64-vol-1

Volume 2: http://pkmao.bandcamp.com/album/raptendo-64-vol-2

Volume 3: http://pkmao.bandcamp.com/album/raptendo-64-vol-3

But another big goal was to promote the idea of video game music as legitimate sampling material for the rap community, and likewise maybe turn vgm fans onto good hip-hop they may not know of.

Mission accomplished, I think!

I'm surprised how many tracks I recognise from the N64, but I know virtually none of the tracks from the hip-hop samples, although I've heard of a lot of the artists.

This is such a well thought out project - amazing that you can get 3 albums using different artists and different games for each one. Must have been tempting to use more than one tune from a game.

Just had a quick listen to most of the tracks I'm familiar with the game, and I have nothing but praise for them! All different styles of hip-hop, some minimalist and downbeat (Ocarina of Time), some upbeat and almost dancey (love the Diddy Kong Racing one, and the JFG Disco music!). "Alien Conflict" from Perfect Dark is one of my favourite sources as well, and it's screaming out for some lyrics, so glad you picked that track from the wealth of tunes PD has to offer.

Seriously good job man, downloaded all 3 :)


thanks man, I'm glad you like it! I tried not to use the obvious songs for each rapper, but most importantly looked for stuff to correlate BPM, key (if there's singing, for the most part i tried to avoid it) and mood wise. For the games yea it was tough near the end, I think I could make another one with the amount of rappers I like but didn't get to, but I wish pushing it with the 3rd one with finding soundtracks with usable stuff. Some of the games also just have so many gems it's hard to just pick one. :P But a lot of the time I think I lucked out with how well some of them matched up, there was planning but at times I felt like certain pairings were made for each other (i.e. Del & Perfect Dark sounds like it could be a b-side off Deltron 3030).

But thanks for checkin it out, and feel free to spread it to friends/other forums and such.

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