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Drear Wastelands (Yoshi's Island - Crystal Caves)


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Should be mixed louder and more clear. The reverb you're using on the piano isn't sounding right, it just makes the piano sound distant and poorly recorded. Longer reverb time and a more dry signal would make it more clear. Some eq separation would also improve it, you have a lot of tracks fighting for attention in the mids.

Bass drum is probably the only thing that's loud enough, and its attack is probably screwing with your normalization level or something. Use a limiter to cut its loud transients and get it down to a more manageable level. Basically, clip its peaks with an effect to it's not messing up the volume for the whole track.

Ending is too abrupt, like those strings don't have any reverb or anything. Some dynamic expression automation would improve the strings further.

Mostly technical pointers here. Try to understand everything, and fix what you agree with.

Source is there, at least the main melody from source. Arrangement sounds ok on a single listen and quick comparison to source, but don't take my word for it. Keep mixing, I hear you've got cool ideas. :D

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