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Hey everybody... been a long time since i've been on OC remix, but with the upcoming release of Starcraft 2, I thought I'd throw in my hand at remixing.

So, I dove into the Starcraft 2 sound library, and started chopping and rearranging. Also, I made my own technique for doing the protoss voice... This is what I got so far.

"After the Broodwar, a group of protoss parted off from the rest of the tribe. With their peaceful interactions with select groups Terrans, they started to delve into the Terran arts, more specifically, Rap and Hip-Hop."

A Protoss Rap/Hip-Hop Song.


All the sounds are from the Protoss music, minus a couple key drums.

I have all the lyrics written out, but not recorded or put in yet, but I added one phrase here and there just to fill it in for now.

I thought I'd get your guy's advice on the music before putting the lyrics in.


Hm not too bad. I could understand most of it.

I think the song is pretty good... hmm... I don't know if this would really be a REMIX, but it does have to do with starcraft so... hm.

It seems a little... well... the song seems to be missing something, but I can't quite tell what though. ... maybe it's that it doesn't seem very fluid... Like the samples were just put overtop drums and chopped up or something.. and I know that's what happened, but like I said, it doesn't seem to flow very well on some parts..... or maybe it's also the type of drums you used are a bit too light for the rest of the sounds... or that the drums are a bit too loud for the rest of the sounds... like it sounds like the drums are just sitting on top of the sounds... they don't seem to merge with them like I'm thinking they should.

Oh, and for the tosser one I think you should take a bit of that predelay effect off the voices... it'd make it a bit easier to understand.

These are just my thoughts, but figured you might want to konw.

Sorry no one else replied to your post till now.

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