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That's a pretty massive low end, both the bass drum and the bass are crazy loud. :D Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't really fit the soft sound the rest of the instrumentation seems to be going for. There's also some compression problems resulting from them, You'd do well to bring down both of them, bass drum 5 dB, bass drum maybe up to 10 dB. Not kidding. If it gets too weak, just turn it back up until it's ok. At current levels tho, they're pushing the compression threshold and screwing with overall track volume.

Transition at 1:12 is a bit too abrupt. Electric guitar is too fake, the acoustic one isn't good but I'm not as concerned about that one. perhaps some cool organic synths would be better. Some percussive filtered thing for the acoustic, some nice, sustained/slowly decaying thing for the electric. Just a suggestion. There's a few places where the electric sounded more real, albeit poorly performed and/or recorded. It's not gonna work like that. :P

You've got a cool groove going, and some nice melodies, but they don't really sit right with each other. Some additional rhythmic elements to tie them together is a possible solution, changing the rhythm of the melodies to fit the groove better is another.

I'm not very familiar with source, and am too lazy to look it up. :P The melody 4 minutes in is clearly source tho.

This is a cool arrangement, but it's a bit of work until the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. Some of the parts need some touching up, too. Keep it up, Halo needs more remixes, and this could make a great remix. :D

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