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For any of you old skool 32-bit freaks out there that love fragging people, I play doom multiplayer on the program called zdaemon, google it.

it's definite good times... FFA, CTF, coops, deathmatches, survival and more...

i play online as adamsmasher ........ look me up and add me as a buddy if you get it!

.......... by the way.... did i mention it's free?

i'm throwing those pay-to-play MMO's out the window. I never wasted a cent.


"Online Multiplayer Doom! The ultimate first person shooter experience, based on the original doom. Play multiplayer against your friends online! Based on ZDoom, this port will allow you to hook up and play with other DOOM players the same way you do in any modern FPS. Create a ZDaemon account and keep track of your progress and watch as you slowly gain experience and levels the more you play. Up to sixteen players can join in an all out fragfest or four players working together to stay alive can revisit classic DOOM & DOOM II levels." - ZDaemon.org

I tried zdoom and skulltag. They don't have the servers available like ZDaemon. As far as Legacy, it's really mostly for single player unless you want to connect to a single hosted server.

ZDaemon has over 400 servers to connect to which auto-search and download wads if you don't have them. There's a buddy list, favorites section, chat, many players... I am just trying to help build up the community on a old skool game that's now multiplayer user friendly.

If you guys are interested in joining me, I am on there as adamsmasher.


Zdoom's more meant for single player action and playing awesome custom wads, or for the green-horns, custom single player campaigns. Skulltags generally for multiplayer games and yes, believe it or not, there are servers; you just need to figure out how to set it up correctly to find them.

Considering your previous posts I'd be wary about joining any server where you're admin. :lol:

For the topic, zdaemon just isn't as huge these days as far as I've seen.


ZDaemon is a modified Doom source port based on ZDoom for both Windows and Linux/Unix (server only at this time), purposely-built for playing multiplayer games over the Internet. Formerly open source, the port has been changed to closed source due to cheating incidents and security issues. The current version is 1.08.08 (July, 16 2009). ZSL, or ZDaemon Server Launcher, is currently at version Beta 19.

ZDaemon itself is based on ZDoom 1.23, which was one of the last major versions of ZDoom before moving to its current 2.xx codebase. It features some of the features available from ZDoom such as the majority of line types, sloped lines, and deep water, but it lacks some of the more advanced functions of later versions of ZDoom, such as an uncapped framerate, advanced ACS scripting support, DECORATE, flat and texture mixing, and other similar features.

However, ZDaemon itself features an enhanced network code suitable for client/server games, stats and experience collection, teamplay support, and a Capture the Flag mode. In version 1.07.01, unlagging capabilities were added.

Here are some other issues that seem to come up a lot about zdaemon...

Cheating: For the most part the ZDaemon team has managed to keep cheating relatively under control through closing the source, security updates, and surveillance (for instance, demo recordings are often demanded during competitive tournaments to combat ZDHook, a combination package containing several cheating mechanisms, including an aimbot, a primitive wallhack, and the use of modified WADs).

The cheating policy is a point of contention within the ZDaemon community, as public accusations of cheating (whether legitimate or not) are frowned upon as unnecessary public disturbance, with Raider once declaring it as a form of harassment. This has led to conflicts in the community, including many by long-standing members who feel there are a small number of cheaters who evade the scrutiny of the administration, which they feel is either ignorant of the matter or simply turning a blind eye. The administrators maintain that they ban only when given clear evidence and stand by their policy, although their critics argue that this is done under color of authority.

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Source code controversy: In the ZDaemon 1.07 era, having forgone the nominal GNU GPL by explicitly adopting the DSL which they claimed to be fully compatible with the then-current state of the source code, the development team stopped releasing the source code due to numerous exploits and cheating incidents. This action caused a number of free software friendly people to distance themselves from the ZDaemon community, criticizing the move as a form of security through obscurity which makes development of some cheats more difficult but does not address the causes. The move also makes development of alternate ZDaemon clients and servers impossible and is uncommon in the Doom community where most source ports have their source code publicly available. However, ZDaemon's main competitor, Skulltag, is also closed source.

The developers have agreed that anyone wanting to develop a new feature or bugfix may do so using the older ZDaemon 1.06 codebase and submit it to the core development team for inclusion.

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Bans: The ZDaemon master server will only advertise servers that enforce a ban list controlled by the ZDaemon staff. Servers that do not enforce this ban list are not shown to users. The effective result of this is that the ZDaemon staff have the ability to ban anyone they choose from all ZDaemon servers advertised on the master. No ban list (or other) restrictions apply to servers not advertised on the master. While this allows the removal of cheaters, the mechanism used can occasionally block innocent players as well due to matching dynamic IP ranges.

Relatedly, ban appeals, especially those of bystanders caught in the range bans of others, often end up as over-dramatized forum posts. For this reason, it is usually requested that such appeals be relegated to a private dialog with a member of the staff.

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Trojan [???]: ZDaemon staff member Doom2pro released a trojan program purporting to be a ZDaemon cheat. When run, the program would inform the ZDaemon staff and delete several files from the user's computer. Although Doom2pro acted independently of the rest of the ZDaemon staff, ZDaemon has nonetheless been criticised for his methods.

I'm a huge fan of DOOM but what the fuck..? Seriously..?

  • 2 weeks later...

long time zdaemon player here. i used to be rly competitive but stopped for a while. i dont think the community is as big as it used to be. the engine is an old version of zdoom and they don't update it much at all anymore unlike skulltag. but zdaemon has more players usually and sweet ass ctf.

my stats http://stats.zdaemon.org/playerstats.php?id=6715

(exp doesn't translate into skill but u knew that already)


well, when i am not recovering files from recent HD crashes, i was gaming on the dbzone server... that's one bad ass server meng..... team play is off. it's the only server that allows coop w/out teamplay. it's fun getting the bfg and sneaking back behind the spawn points :D

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