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A few ideas 'bout Megaman X2, F-Zero and Chrono Trigger

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This does not stand as a request but more of an open idea box.

That said, I've been running around with a few ideas about remixing songs. Now that I can't play guitar myself very good, maybe someone of you wants to have a closer look. The ideas refer to already remixed songs, but use a different approach to the ones.

Megaman X2 - Bubble Crab(oh crap) - I know there are some remixes of this song, and I think it's one particularly hard to remix song with its break inside. Even Capcom tried to remix it themselves. I have yet to hear a clear, carribean version of it.

Megaman X3 - Zero's Theme - Other than Capcom's jazz remix, it seems there is no other remix done at this point. Strange point though, this one is really catchy and I am eager to find out what you guys could do with it. Oh wait there's a MMX remix project in the works, so I should just wait and find out.

F-Zero - Big Blue - This is one overremixed song, but noone, no one got this synth shredding right for me. I wonder what those guitar pros could do here *looking at sixto / nekofrog*. Well it's an idea, so I am looking forward what energy driven mix any of you could do here. I really wonder what would happen if the both of them would make some kind of duet here.

I know there are rock mixes of this song, by the NESkimos, by SSH. But I am looking forward to this special song.

Lastly, another overused song: Schala - is there any well made guitar version of it? I've looked, but maybe I haven't looked enough. There is one mix that comes close: Cessation of Mammon by LuIzA and Ashane, but this one gets into shredding (good shredding, by the way) later.

Thanks for you time reading. :)


Bubble Crab is hard to get a feel for; I mean, it's not just the break: the time sig is changing all over the place. I get 6/8, 3/4, 4/4, and an irregular meter here and there (at least I think so).

Someone has to be really competent and/or confident if they think they can do just to that without watering it all down into some boring 4/4 techno or something (no offense to techno-lovers); in fact, I could think of little else that would disservice the song more than try to remove its original unique meter.

And wasn't there a recent schala metal mix? I remember that being good (unless it's the one you listed right there).

F-Zero - Big Blue - This is one overremixed song, but noone, no one got this synth shredding right for me. I wonder what those guitar pros could do here *looking at sixto / nekofrog*. Well it's an idea, so I am looking forward what energy driven mix any of you could do here. I really wonder what would happen if the both of them would make some kind of duet here.

I know there are rock mixes of this song, by the NESkimos, by SSH. But I am looking forward to this special song.

Lastly, another overused song: Schala - is there any well made guitar version of it? I've looked, but maybe I haven't looked enough. There is one mix that comes close: Cessation of Mammon by LuIzA and Ashane, but this one gets into shredding (good shredding, by the way) later.

Thanks for you time reading. :)

Cessation of Mammon is pretty good, but Luiza herself did another version of it that was released not too long ago. It takes Schala's Theme and cranks it up to 11. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01989/

As for Big Blue, try these versions by

, and of course the official arrangement based on the F-Zero X version. Synth shredding at its finest, particularly with the last one.

I must say these are very nice assumptions, thank you for posting them. :)

That other Schala remix was unknown to me, sounds good to me... yet I was looking for something cooler, in the vibe of Pink Floyd's Marooned.

I really dig the remix from Retro Remix Revue.

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