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I see tons of tutorials and videos out there describing how to scream. but they all have one simple problem. I dont care to learn a heavy metal scream or grunt. I want to learn a straight up, rock style scream like 30 seconds to mars, or similar. I can sort of scream from my chest voice but when I try to scream from my head voice it never comes out. Im told that screaming in any way, you should never use your throat. I also hear you shouldnt put much effort into it. but how are you supposed to produce these sounds withought using your throat or any effort? does anyone know the trick, or can lead me to a good tutorial on how to do this?


I think I got it! the technique is called grit. and unlike metal where you sing from your diaphragm, grit you sing above your throat. nearly the same area you use to sing in your head voice.

heres a short Jamie Vendera lessen where he teaches some girl how to do it.

I was thinking of purchasing his books for a while. I think ill do so soon!


Yo man,

if you're into rock and stuff then instead of reading tutorials and watching youtube videos you should be out somewhere... screaming.

That's the point and that's the problem - people are always searching for a way to do stuff when it's enough to just do it instead.

My advice (I'm a crappy rock/metal singer myself) is that you should absolutely let go and practice a little singing-buddhism. It's funny but actually it works: clear your mind and stop being yourself for a while, let go all the worries that somebody might hear you etc., when you're worried - you'd never ever ever scream well.

Then you just gotta scream your lungs out through the mouth and in time you'd just get to it yourself - by practice, not by reading. In time you'd find ways to scream in exactly the manner you want and can without damaging your voice (or maybe a little, but to hell with this, yea?).

I remember myself that at first I was losing my voice after five minutes, a week ago I've done a 1,5 hour punk-rock rehearsal and felt that I could scream for another hour ;)

Just scream! ;)

Hello everybody, I guess that's a good first post ;)


I actually wouldnt do it that way. I dont want to get neck surgery in a few years because I have bad technique. you can damage your voice from more than just screaming, but even just singing the wrong way. though its less likely. Im starting to learn that almost everyone is capable of singing like a god if they learn proper technique. and learning with improper technique may just end up giving you more bad habbits to get over.

You are VERY right though that you have to just let everything out and forget about your surroundings. its helping me a lot. and outside of music, its helping me learn to care less about things and be more confident in myself. I've been practicing my grit for the last few days and Im noticing great improvement. I practiced for over 2 hours yesterday and after I cooled down my voice with lip bubbles and a few hums, my voice wasnt effected one bit.

Im gonna buy Jamie Venderas "raise your voice complete" this weekend.

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