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Hey. Right now, I can't listen to it with headphones--I'm having driver trouble, so expect an edit to this post sometime today.

It's a good concept, but the first thing I thought when I heard this was "generic." I've used nearly the same synth lead over and over again from Kore Player 4. So maybe some effects and variation could help.

There's a little bit too much noise in here too. I don't know if that is purposeful or accidental. Clarify?

I like the little changes in the melody, but really, it sounds way to conservative for OCR. Try to add in something original in there.

I like the use of the "gasping for air" sound effect, but I feel it was used a little bit too much.

I think this mix has a WHOLE lot of potential, but it's far from reaching it. Keep at it. :mrgreen:

Oh, and it's too short.


There's a little bit too much noise in here too. I don't know if that is purposeful or accidental. Clarify?

This is my fault. I'm still a beginner with the program I'm using, so I don't know much about mastering or adjusting noise/EQ levels. Once I get a handle on that (as well as extending the song and doing something about the other points you mentioned), I'll post another WIP link.


I can now use headphones! :)!!

Ok, so the noise seems like it's attached to one of your sounds that is hard panned to the left. Which brings me to my next point...

Is everything supposed to be so hard panned? It kinda hurt my head to hear so many different things on just one side, going back and forth.

And the ending has a little click to it that I didn't notice before.


No, the panning wasn't supposed to be that hard at all. Something else I guess I need to look in to. I may have done that on accident or as an experiment and never readjusted it before saving.

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