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Looking for mixer (rock/metal remixes)


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I've recorded this

, but I couldn't make it through judgement here on OCRemix due to my lack of mixing/mastering ability. I also have some ideas for new remixes in this style (including songs from Final Fantasy VIII and Sonic 3), and I'd like to know if there's anyone out there with good mixing abilities to collab.

Evidently, as it's collab, we'd do also compositional stuff together, and maybe recording also if you'd like to :) I'd really like to get this stuff here in OCRemix!

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As already suggested in the decision thread, use the wip board. I'm not gonna say you shouldn't collab, but this is something that shouldn't be that hard to learn once you figure out.

I would suggest comparing your mix to well-mixed songs with a similar style. Is the bass as loud, are the guitars wide enough, is the bass drum too heavy, are the highs too loud...? If they are, fix them. The result should be something closer to what passes on this site. Listen and compare. Post on the wip board for additional feedback. You've come a long way between your two subs (judging from the decision threads at least), you shouldn't have much trouble learning this stuff now. :)

If you need to borrow a pair of ears, hit me up on AIM. My forte isn't rock/metal, but I think I could help you listen.

...all right, back to being a recruitment/collab thread now.

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Hey, thanks! Guess I didn't wander around enough, hehe :) Even though, I'd really like to collab - there's lots of people out there with great ideas! And maybe I could use some help to get different touches to my approaches, and the other way around. I think some of my renditions, for example, could use a trance touch that I'd find difficult to do on my own

And I might ask for your ears sometime, thanks for the offer :P

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