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YAY!! Man, I LOVE the direction you're going into from the source! It's pretty, groovely, fruity cool!

Surely, there's a few problems. Starting from the intro :P, coz I don't really like that fade-in idea; and I think it takes a bit long until you get to the dancey-groovey-fruitey (XD) part. Also, it's a bit dull. You could work more on the synths, add something else up, and organize things for the chorus to take place smooth and nicely ;-)

Not too fond of some synth choices, like that one from 0:54-56, 1:02-1:04, but I think you've done an okay job in the execution of those. I don't have a problem with that seems-like-offkey melody, actually it gives the song a nice charm (except that bridge note at 2:09-2:11, you may want to fix that up :P)

I also feel like you could use of some more dynamics to the track. I see you have some melody variations starting from 2:12, but I'm not sure that's enough. Maybe you could add a secondary melody (being careful enough not to mix it with the lead) in it, or have some more drum work? Also, do something to avoid the chorus parts to become too repetitive, and add some spice n' oregano to those breaks (they're very quiet).

3:34-onwards sounds WEIRD! I think that ending bugs me even more than the intro. How about doing something different from that? I mean, :lmassoff:!

Otherwise, nice one! Really looking forward to it once it's finished!

EDIT: I've just seen you can't edit it :(. BUT PLZ START IT AGAIN


haha thank you. But it is an 2 year old project. Maybe I could take time to write it again since I got better in musical composition. Maybe I'll do one that I'll submit.

You make hesitent cause I was sure I wasn't posting it for submitting.

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