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Mak Eightman

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Thats funny to edit my own request after year.

In case someone had interest.

This game is OVER HORIZON:

composer Masaharu Iwata

entire OST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZvviDUSczA

I have a good memory8-O



I have a problem.

I can't remember NES's game name(it was japanese actually and I was 7-8 years old).

It was like Gradius, Thunder Force, Life Force etc.

The only thing i remember is this melody:stats.png

Also at the and of that stage there was a Spider(like) robot or something and I think it was white:whatevaa:

I know it's almost imposable with this sort of information, but if someone remember.. Pleas tell me the name of this NES game!

Thank you!! Sorry for my english.

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