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I picked up El Shaddai after curiosity and the realization that i haven't done drugs since college got the better of me :) I have to say this is probably one of the greatest and most unique games I have ever played.

Too bad it has cult following written all over it... and look at the reviews. All high marks except for IGN who gave it a five since it wasn't COD.

Since we are all (or most) artists here I think everyone should at least try to game fly it or rent it if you can. It's a bit short lived but it's a must play.


I played the demo, and based off what I saw there that is actually one of the few IGN reviews I agreed with.

I'm sure there's some merit to the game, but I honestly just couldn't get into the combat, and the story seemed strangely executed at first. Maybe once you get into it it picks up.

The visual style was kind of neat I guess. Main character design wasn't the best but the environments had a simplistic but interesting charm to them.


When I first played the demo I thought it was an upcoming Xbox live arcade game and I was sold on it. Then i found out it was a major release and would be the full 60 bucks. At that point I shut myself off from getting it completely. No way was that game going to be worth it.

Then i was talking with some gamestop staff about games with very limited retail runs and we started talking about the games we missed because we didn't pick them up when we had the chance. Since I didn't want El Shaddai to be one of them I decided to pick it up.

El Shaddai is a very simple and fun action game with hallucinogenic drug elements and was directed by the same action genius that was behind DMC and other games. Really, I think that was the most disappointing element of the game so far. There are only 3 weapons and they hang like power ups in mid air very much like Blur or Mario Kart. But the real draw was getting back to the great japanese quirkiness that drew me to gaming in the 90's and early 2000's. There are plenty of moments where you are thinking "What the hell...? ...is that?" and just wait until you get to the motorcycle segment.

What I love most about it though is that El Shaddai seems like it came more out of the 90's in terms of gameplay but with insane visuals. Running around each level is such a pleasure that you will forgive the linear gameplay.

It's probably not worth 60 bucks to everyone but if you can get your hands on it in some way you owe it to the japanese gaming industry to try it. (i know it was developed in europe) :-D

Sorry for the sucky OP. I was tired....

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