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What is THE DOOR?

If your next project takes you to the deepest and darkest depths of a dungeon, basement, or into a serial killers house, THE DOOR would be a perfect companion to bring along. Recorded from a 10 foot metal barn door (as well as a few other small found items in the barn itself) the door is an ambient horror scoring juggernaut consisting of two separate packs ($15 per pack). One is centered around deep, dark, and low end percussion perfect for subtle stingers or heart pumping chases, while the other consists of a series of pads, buildups, and drones to help augment the horror or tension of a scene / level.

THE DOOR - Features:

- Up to 4 Velocity layers for some patches

- The attack has a knob on the GUI and is mapped to the mod wheel for added control

- Additional reverb has been added, which can be turned off via a button on the GUI

- Use the pitch bend wheel for even more horror or to create slow creepout pads.

- Ambient Tension ($15) contains 14 kontakt isntruments, the mod wheel is a powerful weapon with these as it can allow you to create your own slow buildups or just off key creepout pads.

- Percussive Tension ($15) contains 14 kontakt instruments

Teaser Video


I might be interested in buying a bunch of your sampled stuff if I didn't have to buy them all separately. Need to load up my paypal first, which I'm trying to avoid doing (to avoid spending money on stuff :D), before I could buy anything... Just suggesting you could put them all in a $50 or something collection. Just a thought. :)

You spelled kontakt wrong btw in the percussive tension bulletpoint thingy.


Lol... Nice catch fellas, thanks.

Ive got a few more releases up my sleeve, at some point in the future Ill release a bundle at a discounted rate. BUT, thats why i opted for the "add to cart option" so you could purchase them all at once via paypal if you wanted.

Thanks for the support, and enjoy! The Door turned out really well.... Its amazng the material I was able to squeeze out of a metal barn door.


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