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Probably not. Depends...

I could image this being possible if by mashup you mean utilizing original audio from a game, and by existing song you mean a cappella stuff straight from a game, such as the hymn of the fayth from FFX, or your own a cappella version of a video game song such as Still Alive. Is the existing song from a video game?

This would do better in the ASK A JUDGE thread, which the mods will move it to. Eventually. Probably. It'd help them, or me, or anyone else trying to answer this if you could clarify this a bit. What existing song? Whose a cappella version? What do you mean by mashed up?


You know those are great questions, and I think you're right about the a cappella needing to come from a video game as well. Originally, the a cappella I mentioned was actually from a rap song, which I know might be way out of bounds in terms of what we can submit. As a dj I made a mashup ( when you take two songs and "mash" them together keeping the elements of both songs intact while making a new song out of the combination) where in this case one half is an a cappella and the other half is my own video game remix of the Mario, underground stage.

I'll look into finding that ask a judge forum and see what those guys think!

for the remix in question, you can listen here to see if it's allowable on the site in your opinion :D


DJ Cr4sh


Regarding non-VGM samples: I'm not positive it wouldn't be allowed (can't speak for the site staff), but the inclusion of non-VGM music samples has been cited as a reason for removing ReMixes from the site in the past, so the odds don't look good. (See items 47, 54, and 71 under heading Pre-OCR01500 Removal Process (Lockdown 2) in the changelog.)


Yeah, I'd say it's a no. :( Not just because of the voice source, but also because I wouldn't say the source here is "identifiable and dominant", as the submissions standards have it. Listen to the stuff that's gotten posted, perhaps most relevantly the occasional raps we've got here, and listen to how the original vgm sources were used.

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