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MVC2 Amusement Park


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Originally I was planning on just doing this as a youtube guitar video, but then I came to the realization that I love it enough to make it into a remix. I think I'll sub the finished version as this is the first remix I'm working on that I feel confident might make it.

Tomorrow I will post the version with the lead guitars and the original sections, but for today I was hoping for feedback on the quality of the backing track. This version doesn't have the original solos and stuff yet as I'm re-doing the guitars with new strings for a better sound. All of the original parts in the tune will stay, so I won't cut out whatever your favorite parts of the source may be.

The Original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmpr91beVkg

Backing for my version http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mvc2-amusement-park-wip

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