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Before I'm slapped with a flame-war-inducing-thread-warning, (hereby known as an FWITW) please hear me out. This is a listing of video game antagonists that people think are epic, cool, awsome, etc. It is NOT a ranking, nor a who-would-win senario, nor a contest. It is a list, nothing more. As such, please do not try to rank villains or say that one is better than another. If a villain is featured in a show made after the game, feel free to reference the show. Please include your reason for liking the villain. Anti-heroes, corrupted heros, and false villains count. Here's my example:

Master Albert



(Warning: Spoilers)

For those that don't know, Master Albert is the true villain of MegaMan ZX Advent. Originally, he is thought to be an ally, but he turns out to be a vile betrayer who wants to reshape the world in his image using Model W because he believes mankind to be self-destuctive and corrupt. His mixture of logic and insanity is very interesting in a villain.


The Biolizard

(Sonic Adventure 2)


(Warning: Spoilers)

I was a bit hesitant of putting him/it on the list, but seeing as it was intelligent enough to guide the ARK to Earth, I'd say he's intelligent enough to be on the list. Plus, he has the two most epic songs in the game! I must say, the prototype Ultimate Lifeform fighting against the final one is a really cool concept.

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