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Hey guys I was working on this song a while ago and then when I came back to it the file was corrupted :(

So anyway I decided to start again with a new concept where I would use altered samples from the original song.

I'm not sure if what i'm doing is allowed by OC remix standards, so if anyone has any advice about that i'd really like to hear it before I go ahead with this song.

I only started this yesterday but I don't want to go further until I am sure that sampling this amount of source material is OK.

Thanks guys. Also any other feedback is welcome

Here is the original

And here is mine http://tindeck.com/listen/jnnb

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there!

First, I'd like to establish that I'm not familiar w/ the source.

So, the intro is cute. I do think though that the beat might be a little too over-plain there. I get the minimalist thing and the drop, but I think the transition could be a bit better. Like, maybe introduce the kick on the last note before the pause, and work on a pause/beat/pause break from there. If anything, the snare hits just really don't work with me. Bass or kick instead plz.

The high-hats are a bit too exposed and probably a bit overpanned. I also hear some clashing of the bass and kick, and some clipping (I am on headphones, but there's definitely a frequency problem there I think - do you have a limiter?). The piano has this cute muddiness, but the higher notes it plays, also are clipping a ton, because they are competing w/ the lows for some reason...

Also about the piano... The muted effect is stylistic and nice, but the problem is, what I'm hearing is the highhats, because they are the instrument that taking up the treble the most... This is not a good thing, because that means they (by contrast), draw a lot of attention to themselves, instead of the melody.

So draw them back a bit, and possibly bring in some dry/slightly wet synths to compensate for the lack of high freq ranges, if you don't want to unmute that piano.

You might want to just up the higher freq EQ on that piano though, and save the cool muted fx for the rhodes you bring in later. You could go back and forth.

But yeah anyway, major clipping in this. Turn the song down, analyze freq clashing between the kick and bass, EQ appropriately (bring up freq that sound good, lower ones the other is using that you don't need), and make sure they are not above 0db on your limiter, it's causing distortion on your song.

I also recommend, with whatever you choose, EQ'ing that piano (the lows) back a bit, because from the sounds of it, you don't need them anyway, and also make sure whatever synths you use, aren't also competing for attention with the melody or the low end.

The writing is nice, I like your deliberate choices w/ your beat. Keep it up, hell, go for more, mix it up. The breakdown section sounds great. I love that piano writing, but don't be afraid to use that left hand. The part after that is nice too... But again, instrument balance and clipping problems are keeping me from enjoyment.

Good luck w/ it and it was interesting!


Thanks for all your advice Monobrow! I will try to address every one of those points!

Actually the piano melody has been sampled from the original recording of the song. I've chopped it up and tried to give the impression that it has been sampled from an old vinyl so it is intentionally lo-fi. Is this even legal for a OC Remix submission?


Well, it depends on how you use the sample really. If it's like 1 minute of actual melody played from the game, then probably definitely no. If it's 2 seconds of something distinctive from the game used creatively, then yes. It's just about discretion. I lean towards no because I don't want to answer for OCR *_*.

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