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Generating Interest for Majora's Mask Opera/Musical album project

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I've noticed a rather lack of vocal songs here on OC Remix. So to remedy this, I propose the idea of a Majora's Mask Opera/Musical album.

There are not too many remixed songs from the game and there are a lot of vocal artists on the site looking for work. The idea would be to structure the music into an Opera/Musical format to tell the story of loneliness, betrayal, and redemption.

Certain character from the game would be given a voice:

The Happy Mask Sales Man for example. Unlike most other Zelda games the side stories are more focused on than the main story really. I feel that this makes Majora's Mask perfect for a Opera/Musical adaptation.

Now I'm not going ahead with an "official" album project...yet. I just posted this to see who would be interested in doing this. If I did go through with this, I would need the help of a lot of people. I don't mind writing all the songs lyrics but I wouldn't be against getting help on that.

Composer's and mixers would be necessary as well. I haven't ever done anything like this before, so a more experienced hand would be very helpful.

Biggest thing that I'm trying to decide on is: Is Link and the 4 Giants going to sing? Mostly I'm pondering on Link because he's been a silent character for so long that I don't know if it would be right for him to have a voice for this project or not.

Maybe it would be better if Link did stay silent and let the other characters tell the story cause frankly there's plenty to go around. Anyway's this is just to generate interest. So if this project did get made, would YOU be interested?

I'd be interested. But perhaps you should take a look at how the front pages of other projects are set out.

It actually makes a world of difference to have something that looks aesthetically pleasing.

But yeah. This looks cool. I'll keep an eye out.

Yeah, this was just to see if people would be interested in the idea. Once I feel I'm ready, I'll post up an official post for Recruiting and Collaborating! And it will be all fancy and shiny :)!!


Anyone who is still following this post, I've decided to go a head with the project. Recruiting will happen between March and April. The entire summer will be dedicated to working on the songs. Everything should come together (Safe to assume) by November of 2012. An official post will be made for Recruiting.


Just so you know, there's a guy going by the name berlioz who's been making the rounds on various Zelda forums about a stage adaptation of MM, it too is some kind of opera or musical. Dunno what will become of it, I just thought you should know you're not the only one working on something like this.

Just so you know, there's a guy going by the name berlioz who's been making the rounds on various Zelda forums about a stage adaptation of MM, it too is some kind of opera or musical. Dunno what will become of it, I just thought you should know you're not the only one working on something like this.

Wow really? That's awesome! Hope there won't be any issues there. I still want to do this, you see.

Would you bar the line for interpretation at Opera.

Or is Rock Opera open? Cause I have a love for that Genre that knows no bounds.

Regardless, I'm still really interested.

I just think some people would flourish better with less boundaries to overcome to get 'their' sound.

Yeah, rock opera is totally open. The only real guide lines that I have (so far) for this project is that I want to tell the story through lyrics. This is still in the idea phaze of development. I want to find a composer that I can collaborate with on this project, cause I want to make sure the songs are at the very least unified. If you want to talk it over with me more, just look me up on skype if you have it. If you don't it's free for both Mac and PC or you can PM me.



This is odd, I registered some time ago to let people know of my Majora's Mask opera project but got swarmed with work, so I didn't get the chance to do it over here as I have done in other forums.

I have been working on a Majora's Mask opera for quite some time, since November in terms of practical composition, you can read more about it here: http://hyrule.net/forum/topic/17350-majoras-mask-opera/

I have already composed/written 1 hour of the opera, and the first act isn't complete yet, the whole opera will probably go over the length of 3 hours.

I have instrumental samples on Youtube, and I am in the process of recording vocal samples to show as well, since, hey, it's an opera, requires vocals. xD A Clock Town choir, the Mayor's Council Room fugue, Majora's Aria, and probably a trio and/or a quartet.

Here are the youtube instrumentals:





This is odd, I registered some time ago to let people know of my Majora's Mask opera project but got swarmed with work, so I didn't get the chance to do it over here as I have done in other forums.

I have been working on a Majora's Mask opera for quite some time, since November in terms of practical composition, you can read more about it here: http://hyrule.net/forum/topic/17350-majoras-mask-opera/

I have already composed/written 1 hour of the opera, and the first act isn't complete yet, the whole opera will probably go over the length of 3 hours.

I have instrumental samples on Youtube, and I am in the process of recording vocal samples to show as well, since, hey, it's an opera, requires vocals. xD A Clock Town choir, the Mayor's Council Room fugue, Majora's Aria, and probably a trio and/or a quartet.

Here are the youtube instrumentals:




This is great! So would you want to collaborate?


It has come to my attention that there is already a Majora's Mask Opera in the works on another Zelda forum. The guy working on that has contacted me and informed me of this and I've asked if he wants to collaborate. If he does, then that's awesome, cause he's already far ahead in the making of his opera. On the chance that he doesn't then we'll either have to try something a little different or if he's okay with us going on with are own interpretation that would be great too. Nothing is final yet and I'm waiting for a reply.

Until then, let me take this time to elaborate on the set-up/idea for this project that will be later posted on the official recruiting post.

It will be split up into about six parts:

The Intro

-This part will tell the first part of the story where Link gets turned into a Deku shrub by the Skull Kid and then the first set of 3 days as Link is going around Clock Town, ending as Link confronts the Skull kid on the first day and getting back his Ocarina.

-This part will be focused on introducing the characters of Clock Town and their plight. The Clock Town theme play's a key role in this as each day goes by the towns people get more and more frantic as the music mirrors their anxieties. Think of the scene from Beauty and the Beast when Bell is walking through the town as the towns folk are all talking about her. I imagine something similar too that only the topic is the moon that is slowly falling down.

-The Mayor's meeting song is another great song that really lends itself to lyrics.

The Swamp

-This part deals with the events that take place in the swamp area.

-Key events include:

--The Witches missing sister.

--The Boat tour.

--The Deku palace trail of the monkey.

--The owl

-One thing that I'm a little foggy about is what to do about the boss fights. Of course the Majora's boss fight is important but I don't know what could be done about the others. If anyone has any idea's I'd like to know.

The Snowy Mountain

-Key events in this part include:

--The goron tribes plight.


--The baby goron and his father.

-Not much has been thought about for this part but this is only a basic idea and will be elaborated on in the Recruiting post.

Zora Domain

-This part will really lend itself to a more rock opera style.

-Key events include:

--Mikau's death/song (Really want to take that corny, simple song of his and turn it into a corny, rocking number!)

--The gerudo Pirates

--The Indigo-GO's (Each band members practice songs will help tell of the plight they are in.)

--Rescuing the Zora eggs.

Ikana Canyon

-Key events include:

--Pamela and her father

--Igos du Ikana

--Stone Tower

-Again, not much has been thought of on this part. The idea of this part is very dark and sorrowful due to the concept of...well almost everything being dead. As a style idea, maybe a more Nightmare Before Christmas style (only a suggestion.)

The Finale

-This is were everything should be leading up to. I know that I haven't mentioned alot of the side story stuff and that's because I'm trying to figure out where they will fit. Like the Lon Lon Ranch stuff and some of the towns peoples plights (Mostly Anju's and Kafei's)

-At this point, I really want to have (like every great musical has) a medley of the past songs all leading up to the final confrontation with the Skull Kid.

-The intro of the Song "Order of Oath" will be the cap stone of the medley, everything will go all silent and dramatic as the music slowly rolls in. The thunderous footsteps intensify the music and it swells as the giants are holding the moon at bay.

-After this will be the Majora's fight and then finally the ending theme.

This is all just idea's and are subject to change. I want to know what you guys think and will have the Recruiting post up by March.


Oh, please! Far from me to prevent anyone from working on this, that would be stupidly arrogant, as if I were entitled to this just because I started it earlier.

In fact, it's not even exactly THIS, as my opera actually follows a path without the existence of Link, focusing on Kafei, giving him a push on the search for the Sun Mask and other things (you can read about it on the forum post I pasted in my other post here), so yours would tell a different story.

I am frankly busy with mine, as it requires enormous amounts of work, but if you end up in need of someone for lyrics, for example, or help in some other way that doesn't imply direct arrangements (since it would be odd to have the same style of arrangements in two different works) I'm available. :)

I'm down with this idea.

Are there any examples in terms of what themes would be used as source material for each section?

Either way, I'm interested.

By themes do you mean music or something else?

I meant this:

What individual songs from the game would be for each song of the musical?

Ah, I see now (I'm so silly :P).

Think of each part of the Musical as a medley of the songs from those areas.

Now I can't say that what I write here isn't going to change but here is a general idea for each part:

The Intro

-Title Theme

--This will be either a instrumental or a narrator of sorts will sing about the events that are about to take place.



-Majora's Theme

-Clock Tower

-Happy Mask Salesman

--Again, this will be the start of the musical, the "Opening" will be an instrumental part at first until The Skull Kid and the Fairy's come in. From the "Chase" theme too the "Majora's Theme" will be sung by the Skull kid and the fairy's as back up. "Clock Tower" and "Happy Mask Salesman" themes will be sung by the Happy Mask Salesman as he asks the Deku Link to help retrieve his stolen mask. Tael will sing too at some point during this as she will sing in place of Link, who I think should be silent, though if you guys have any idea's please tell me.

-Clock Town, First Day

-Clock Town, Second Day

-Clock Town, Third Day

-Fairy's Fountain

-Mayor's Meeting



-Astral Observatory

-Rosa Sisters

-Mini Game

-Guru-Guru's Song

-Zelda's Theme

-Song of Time

-Song of Healing

-Mask Salesman Theme

-Get a Mask

--This is a long list I know and I'm still thinking on how they will all play out. Remember when I said I wanted the Clock Town part to be like the town theme from Beauty and the Beast? Well each of these songs will play a part in giving the towns people a voice. This part will play out just like how it plays out when you first enter Clock Town, you are limited in what you can do. Not all of these songs have to be used, in fact they can serve more of a short little segments in a much larger medley. Important ones like "Mayor's Meeting" and the "Clock Town Theme's" play a part in showing the dire situation.

For the next parts I'm just going to list the songs because I haven't had time to think about all of them, but really for any of the parts I'll leave it up too you what you want to use. No limits here people, show me what you got! If you have any questions on a particular part, contact me and we'll talk about it. Songs that are underlined are key songs for that part.

The Swamp

-Termina Field


-Southern Swap

-Magic Hag's Potion Shop

-Woods of Mystery

-Boat Cruise

-Deku Palace

-Sonata of Awakening

-Song of Soaring

Not sure what to do with these next songs but if someone has any ideas let me know.

-Woodfall Temple

-Southern Swamp Clears

-Boss Battle

-Giants theme

Snowy Mountain

-Mountain Village

-Song of Healing

-Goron Village

-Goron Lullaby Intro

-Goron Lullaby

-Snowhead Temple

-Snowhead Clear

-Goron Race

-Goron Race Clear

Romani Ranch

This part I need to figure out how to fit it in. Again, any idea's, send my way.

-Romani Ranch

-Epona's Song

-Bremen March

-Horse Race

-Horse Race Goal

-Ghost Attack

-Event Clear

-Cremia's Carriage

-Milk Bar

Zora Domain

Again this part will play heavily on the Rock opera style.

-Great Bay Coast


--Seriously, I want to see some one really rock this song out!

-Marine Research Laboratory

-Zora Hall

--These next songs will be the other band members telling there sides of the story.

-Drum Practice

-Bass Practice

-Piano Practice

-Bass & Guitar Session

-Piano Solo

-Pirate Fortress

-New Wave Bossa Nova

-Great Bay Temple

-The Indigo-Go's

The Ballad of the Wind Fish makes me think that the Romani Ranch part should happen after the Zora Domain so that this song can come in there.

Ikana Canyon

-Ikana Valley

-Song of the Storms

-Sharp's Curse

-Music Box House

-Ikana Castle

-Elegy of Emptiness

-Stone Tower Temple

-Stone Tower Temple Upside-down


This last part will incorporate small parts of several themes in a big Medley.

-Last Day

-Oath to Order

-Calling the Four Giants

-Tatl & Tael

-To the Moon

-Majora's Mask Battle

-Majora's Incarnate Battle

-Magic Emperor of Mujula Battle

-Moon's Destruction

-The Giants' Exit

-The End/Credits

Hope that helps everyone and again ask me if you have any questions.

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