MangaMan Posted April 9, 2012 Author Posted April 9, 2012 Thanks! I'll be sure to get my email to him right away.Unfortunately I've never composed anything of my own, nor do I know how to play any instruments well enough to really perform. However, I do enjoy writing, so I may be able to help come up with lyrics! If you know anyone that would be interested in this, weather as a vocalist, composer, remixer, or whatever, please direct them to this page and have them voice their interest. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 9, 2012 Author Posted April 9, 2012 Anyone not familiar with Operation Moonfall, check out the link here: As the project director, I've decided that it would be a good idea to tie in our efforts with that of Operation Moonfall. This project will act as promotion for OMF (Operation Moonfall) and their efforts, the fans efforts, to get Majora's Mask a 3DS release. There have been many albums on this site that have honored, supported, or just payed tribute to game titles (Skyward Sword and the 25 OC-Remix tribute album is one of these examples). This will not only be supporting a worthy cause but it will also gain more attention to our efforts and hopefully will gain us new recruits to help. So check out Operation Moonfall and give your support. I will try to contact who every is in charge of Operation Moonfall and see if we can't work something out. This project is still in it's infant state and still needs more support to keep it going. I need ALL lyric writers to message me or contact me anyway they can. We need to really get rolling with writing the lyrics. I know we are all busy with life, school, work, and other projects, but please contact me as soon as you can. I would like to have ALL THE LYRICS for the album completed by the end of June, but will only happen if we can get everyone together and start pounding this out. I will soon be ready to submit our project to the heads of OC-Remix for a possible OFFICIAL ALBUM STATUES! A few of you have been good at working on this project, even if a small portion, and have been good at keeping in contact with me. Others I haven't heard from in quit some time and that really worries me. Please don't make me have to track you down just to see how you are doing. Check in with me every once in a while, like at most once a week. Thank you all for your time and efforts. Lets create one hell of a great Majora's Mask Album and open the door too more opportunities for all of the talented singers that have yet to really shine on this site! Quote
MangaMan Posted April 12, 2012 Author Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) It has been brought up before, but now I'll try to really spell it all out. The idea for this project is to take the story and music from the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and create a musical from it. Now this isn't going to be like a live show like another member of this project is working on. I was afraid at first that this was too big a project to handle, until I saw just how big the latest MegaMan X: Maverick Rising album was. We can do it guys! I've already started to contact some people on this website to see if they would be interested in helping out. Right now I'm more worried about getting a Composer and Remixers than I am about getting singers. If you guys can go out on the site yourselves and see if you can't recruit some people, that would be awesome! Just like the Maverick Rising album was made up of multiple CD's, the same will be true for Tears of the Moon. This Post is for music tracks only. A new Character Audition post will be posted shortly. Each CD will contain songs to a certain area and will be an Act for the musical. Each area will have a different style to it and they are as follows: Day 1-Countdown to Destruction Will cover the beginning of the game to when Link reverts back to his normal self and after the Happy Mask Sales Man tells the tale of Majora's Mask.The style will be up for interpretation.Songs in order:Title Theme Opening (Source)Chase (Source)Majora's Theme (Source)Song of Unhealing/Melody of Agony (I thought it would be fun to have this song for when the Skull Kid is cursing Link) Clock Tower (Source)Happy Mask Salesman's Theme (Source)Clock Town, First Day (Source)Fairy's Fountain (Source) - Kuolema on LyricsMayor's Meeting (Source) - MangaMan on LyricsHouse (Also want someone to make Anju's theme based on this song) Guru-Guru's Song - MangaMan on LyricsClock Town, Second Day Astral Observatory Clock Town, Third Day - composer PeterCrowley83Majora's Theme (Reprise)(Source)Middle Boss Battle (Might combine with Majora's Theme) Zelda's Theme Song of Time (Deku Vers.) Song of Healing (This version needs to at least have horns in it) - Kuolema on LyricsDay 2 - Toxic Swamp (Title WIP)Termina Field (This song may act as a intermission between Days) Southern Swamp (Source)Magic Hag's Potion Shop (Source)Woods of Mystery (Source)Deku Palace (Source) - claimed by Champ the Hippie Black - Track Not Claimed Green - Interest Expressed Blue - Track claimed with no Work In Progress (WIP) Orange - Track Claimed With short WIP/Concept Purple - Track Claimed with full WIP Red - Track Finished! Of course there is room for songs to be mixed in with the rest here. The other CD's/Acts will be add on separate posts to save space. Edited April 20, 2012 by MangaMan Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Just thought I'd pop in and mention that this sounds really freaking cool. I can't sing, so I won't offer my talents, but if this is done right it'll be really awesome! Quote
MangaMan Posted April 17, 2012 Author Posted April 17, 2012 Just thought I'd pop in and mention that this sounds really freaking cool. I can't sing, so I won't offer my talents, but if this is done right it'll be really awesome! I read on your forum wall that you write lyrics. Would you be interested in helping as a lyric writer? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 17, 2012 Author Posted April 17, 2012 While at work, I strung together this little musical phrase for the "Guru-Guru Theme", better known as the Song of the Storms. I imagine that this would play out in the Stock-Pot Inn scene and would add to the tension the townsfolk are feeling. The festival Time is near. But everyone has disappeared. The glare from the Moon, it's spelling out our doom. Still we dance, and we play. (Two choices for this line, tell me what you think) Preparing for the Holiday (or) We can't simply run away. It's all that we know to do. Tell me what you guys think. Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 I read on your forum wall that you write lyrics. Would you be interested in helping as a lyric writer? Ah...possibly. If you want me to try let me know. I can't promise anything though . Quote
MangaMan Posted April 17, 2012 Author Posted April 17, 2012 Ah...possibly.If you want me to try let me know. I can't promise anything though . Alright, do you prefer choosing the song to write lyrics for or do you want me to choose one for you? Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted April 17, 2012 Posted April 17, 2012 Alright, do you prefer choosing the song to write lyrics for or do you want me to choose one for you? Think you could give me a couple of possibilities and tell me which characters should be involved and what message needs to be portrayed? Keep in mind that I've never written anything for a musical before and my writing tends to be somewhat abstract so I have no idea how it will turn out . Edit: Also, I've only played about 3/4 of Majora's Mask so stuff from the beginning would be good. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 17, 2012 Author Posted April 17, 2012 Think you could give me a couple of possibilities and tell me which characters should be involved and what message needs to be portrayed?Keep in mind that I've never written anything for a musical before and my writing tends to be somewhat abstract so I have no idea how it will turn out . Edit: Also, I've only played about 3/4 of Majora's Mask so stuff from the beginning would be good. Abstract lyrics huh? Okay, then how about the "Title Theme", the song that plays right when you turn on the game. I wasn't planning on giving that song lyrics but if you think you can do something with it, be my guess. I'll leave it up to you on what to write about but just keep in mind that this song is the Intro into the story. Another suggestion would be one of the vers. of the Song of Healing. All vers. of the song deals with the theme of life after death and the passing of power, though that is just my interpretation and you can come up with your own. There are three main vers.: Deku Goron Zora Each will cover the character associated with it: For Zora, it will cover Mikau and will be in the form of a Rock Ballad, slow at the beginning until it builds to the glorious climax! Goron, of course, will cover Darmani. The style is still up in the air, so if you choose him, just brush up on his story arc for inspiration. I'll leave the style to you. Finally Deku will cover the Deku Butler's son, a character that never has a line in the game, but is mentioned in the story. After Link is turned into a Deku Shrub by the Skull Kid, he comes across a sad little tree that Tatl says looks just like him. I want these lyrics to not so much paint a visual picture, but to express the emotion of this characters whose life was cut short and is finally finding peace. I'm trying to get in contact with this girl on youtube that made an amazing cover of the Song of Healing. I want to ask her if she would be willing to join and if not, if she would be okay if we used her lyrics: Those lyrics will act as the reframe for all the covers of the song, hopefully:-D And the final suggest for you is the Oath to Order song. I have already mentioned the idea of having the 4 giants be a barbershop quartet in a previous post. There will only be one version of the song lyrics wise for I believe that repetition will be the strongest asset for this song. Some thing ancient, ghostly, and mystical. Other suggests that I can think of are songs from the Ikana Canyon, the Goron Lullaby, the Song of Soaring, the Song of Time, really any of the songs that you use through out the game. If you want me to go more into detail on any of the songs I've mentioned, let me know and I will happily oblige. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 Over this up coming weekend I'll be editing the first post to make it more understandable and presentable, using all the notes from previous posts and what everyone has discussed so far. Then it will be off to getting an official OCR statues! Wish me luck! Also, if anyone has yet to decide on what lyrics they want to work on, let me know and I'll assign one or two too you. Quote
Invader_Quirk Posted April 18, 2012 Posted April 18, 2012 I've debated whether or not to post here, as I'm not sure I have the time for this... but I am a talented lyricist. I'm also a singer, but I'm not as confident about that. My voice may be right for a certain character, but I'm not the best "traditional" singer. About the lyrics... I'm very picky, so I might not be able to do them very quickly, but they would be good. Again, I'm not sure I should take on a project like this, but I WANT to. Oh, I'd also like to say that I don't think the lyrics should necessarily follow the melody of the tune in all cases. Some of these tunes are just not good for that. I suggest new melodies where appropriate. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 I've debated whether or not to post here, as I'm not sure I have the time for this... but I am a talented lyricist. I'm also a singer, but I'm not as confident about that. My voice may be right for a certain character, but I'm not the best "traditional" singer. About the lyrics... I'm very picky, so I might not be able to do them very quickly, but they would be good. Again, I'm not sure I should take on a project like this, but I WANT to. Oh, I'd also like to say that I don't think the lyrics should necessarily follow the melody of the tune in all cases. Some of these tunes are just not good for that. I suggest new melodies where appropriate. That is a good point about the new melodies. If you want to help out with lyrics, we'd be very grateful for it. Did you have any songs in mind that you wanted to do lyrics for? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 18, 2012 Author Posted April 18, 2012 OK...for a game I prefer hands-down over Ocarina of Time, and this is a musical? Where the hell have I been; I'd love to join in on this project!Just like on the Ocarina of Time project that hopefully I'll be a part of, here's where you can find the majority of my work, including a last-minute entry I submitted for the Assassin's Creed: Revelations contest thing:!175&parid=root Welcome aboard CN! I've listened to your samples and they are awesome! Is there are character you want to play or some songs you want to compose? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 19, 2012 Author Posted April 19, 2012 I haven't actually composed anything in years! I used to, but then I branched off to singing and I stuck with it.What character woud be a good fit? I should probably go through the whole first page unless you have a suggestion. You are a tricky one to fit with a character my friend. You have a very smoky, Frank Sinatra-esc voice. For now, pick out one that you would like to try out for and I'll see if it clicks with your voice. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 19, 2012 Author Posted April 19, 2012 Oh...this is hard. I ran through your first post at least a dozen times! A stand-out lead role I'm sure is what most would ask for, but I think the majority of the roles call for someone who's naturally higher than me. Something with bass is probably where I fit, but I think I have enough range for others....How does the Owl sound? I never thought I'd suggest that! The whole Goron race is low enough as well. Personally, I thought somewhere with the Indigo-GO's could be fun. Not because of my Zora bias, but it's a jazz band! Too bad Lulu's the lead, but maybe one of the other members would work? I'll keep you in mind for the Owl and one of the four Giants. I could also see you as either Japas (bass player) or Tijo (Drummer) from the Indigo-Go's. Any of the Gorons would be great too. I know you said that you don't compose music any more, but have you forgotten everything about composing? Also can you write lyrics? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 19, 2012 Author Posted April 19, 2012 Well, I think everyone's capable of composing music and writing lyrics. The question is how good you are. I worked with FL Studio pretty minimally and all the samples I've ever used were free but uninspired. My computer is not powerful enough anyway. And lyrics...I like to write a lot of information like a story, but poem-type things never turn out as good as it should, because I'd try to rhyme most of the time and it's hard for me to keep it short.So I'd probably work best singing improv on top of what someone else would make. If I tried to make instrumentals or lyrics, I wouldn't get too far. Not necessarily. One of the most difficult parts about writing lyrics is coming up with them. Idea's are an important thing, ones that stick to the context and the theme the song portrays. I've hired a person from Youtube, with just such a talent. What we can do is have you come up with some ideas for a song, write them out and post them on here. Then the group as a whole can edit the raw idea and turn them into lyrics. Sound good? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 20, 2012 Author Posted April 20, 2012 Won't the ideas be nothing more than rehashing what the role of each character is that we're already familiar with? Like the Owl...he's a guide for Link and it's because of him that you can Quick Save in the middle of a three-day cycle. He gives you a summary of each region and its main problem, and then he wishes you the best of luck. He doesn't show up as much as in Ocarina of Time, but he's still around.Is that what you're looking for, or is the idea to somehow expand a character's biography to emphasize how important they are? Expanding on an idea is what we are all about! Quote
Invader_Quirk Posted April 20, 2012 Posted April 20, 2012 (edited) Me again. I've been thinking about lyrics for a few days. I'm gravitating towards the first time Link enters Clock Town, unless that's taken. I feel early stuff would be a good match for me, as it can have a lighter tone than later events probably should. I have a quirky, fun writing style. So I guess I just need to know if Clock Town is even available first. If it is, I'll have a few more questions before I get started. Also, if I may butt into you guys' discussion... The owl probably shows up before every region and reprises his song, right? Since, in game, he's little more than a guide for the player, one idea is having him actually introduce each act, essentially acting as the narrator. Whether he's talking to Link or the audience, his lyrics should be poetic and cryptic, with sagely insight about time, fate, and life. That's my opinion, anyway. I'd be willing to take a crack at these lyrics, too. Edited April 20, 2012 by Invader_Quirk Quote
MangaMan Posted April 20, 2012 Author Posted April 20, 2012 Me again. I've been thinking about lyrics for a few days. I'm gravitating towards the first time Link enters Clock Town, unless that's taken. I feel early stuff would be a good match for me, as it can have a lighter tone than later events probably should. I have a quirky, fun writing style.So I guess I just need to know if Clock Town is even available first. If it is, I'll have a few more questions before I get started. Also, if I may butt into you guys' discussion... The owl probably shows up before every region and reprises his song, right? Since, in game, he's little more than a guide for the player, one idea is having him actually introduce each act, essentially acting as the narrator. Whether he's talking to Link or the audience, his lyrics should be poetic and cryptic, with sagely insight about time, fate, and life. That's my opinion, anyway. I'd be willing to take a crack at these lyrics, too. The Clock Town, First Day has not been taken yet, so you can go and take it. It's funny you should mention clock town because I got a guy on Youtube who is interested in tackling the music for the second day. I have some notes on this thread about the idea of the first day in Clock Town, so be sure to look at that. But to summarize: The theme of Clock Town, First Day is one of busy energy and excitement for the up coming festival, but at the same time there is the ominous shadow being cast from the moon. I love the idea for the Owl and would like to combine that idea with another idea I had: We could use the Song of Time as a sort of interlude into the next area. For example, when going from Deku Swamp to the Snow Mountain first a horn section will play the Song of Time and then slowly the drums will take over the song. The Owl can come in with the reprise of his song after this while still caring the theme of the song by having the drums play during his song as well. Quote
Invader_Quirk Posted April 20, 2012 Posted April 20, 2012 I like that idea for the transitions. Are you just getting people lined up for music, or are they already working on it? I think it would be wise to write the lyrics before any music is produced. That way, the arrangement of the music will be defined by the progression of the lyrics, and not the other way around. The more freedom you have while writing lyrics, the better. It's up to you, though. You're the director, so do it however you think it needs to be done. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 20, 2012 Author Posted April 20, 2012 Just to let everyone know, I've started a Majora's Vlog to record my thoughts on parts of the project. Check it out on this link here: Quote
MangaMan Posted April 20, 2012 Author Posted April 20, 2012 I like that idea for the transitions. Are you just getting people lined up for music, or are they already working on it? I think it would be wise to write the lyrics before any music is produced. That way, the arrangement of the music will be defined by the progression of the lyrics, and not the other way around. The more freedom you have while writing lyrics, the better. It's up to you, though. You're the director, so do it however you think it needs to be done. There are a few people on youtube that I have gotten in contact with: This guy has already started work on the Clock Town, Third Day song. He will make a demo track of it for now until we get the lyrics hammered out. Then we will combine the two and re-work the song to make it fit better. I've tried to get in contact with some others on Youtube, but so far they've not replied yet. Another person said that they would be okay with us using their mixes, but I want to create new music for this project and not just use pre-made music. Unfortunately it doesn't look like they have any free time at this moment. If you guys know of anyone that would be interested in this project, please send them here and have them contact me so that I know they are interested. Finally, to keep track of all the lyrics, please post them up on the wiki site here: Inorder to post on the wiki, please send your emails to Champ the Hippie so he can add you to the wiki. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 20, 2012 Author Posted April 20, 2012 Here is a link to the first WIP of the Clock Town, Day Three. Check it out and tell us what you think You can only few it through this link: Quote
champ the hippie Posted April 23, 2012 Posted April 23, 2012 i'm back! sorry for the disappearance, had a deadline i couldn't miss for a huge project elsewhere. i saw the operation moonafall thing and i greatly approve. also, my audition piece will be in soon. is there anything absolutely pivotal that i missed, or has it been business as usual? Quote
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