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Here is a new original composition titled "Floating Home." It takes inspiration from Koji Kondo, some of the vibe of Mario Galaxy, and a little bit Final Fantasy as well. I'd love to know what it makes you think of! Thanks for listening.



OK, I'm going to point out a bunch of nit-picky stuff.

-The first section is really nice sounding, but I don't like the way it switches at 1:44. It makes me briefly miss the first section.

-However, when the drums come in, the song becomes really good again.

-The sawtooth synth you use later in that section could be more expressive.

-I feel like at 4:30 the song should end just like that. That would be a nice ending. Instead you have the first section suddenly come in again and it's jarring again.

-The really-nicely-resolving chord at the end sounds kind of cheesy.

Besides that, though, you've got a really good song on your hands. All of the different sounds work very well together, and although the melody seems like it should get a little repetitive, it stays interesting because something is always changing.


This is really nice. Intro reminds me of Zelda... kind of similar to the intro screen of... maybe Ocarina of Time?

Tesselode brings up some good points, although I actualLY don't mind the transition at 1:44.

The section playing around 3:20 is so sweet - I picture this part of the song being played in a marketplace of a japanese rpg game, and yes, very Final Fantasy-ish.

That sawtooth synth tesselode mentions, I personally think is cheesy, but to me, almost all straight up saw synths in music sound cheesy. I like the melody it plays, but agree on the point that it could be more expressive.

Ultimately, this was an awesome VG tune that I enjoyed very much. Nice work mate!


Thanks guys. And thanks for your interesting feedback. Yeah, I definitely took some interesting choices/risks with this one. Definitely not for everyone. I happen to really like the transition. It's probably my favorite part about the song. And I also love that synth sound, but there's no doubt that it's cheesy. I guess I kind of revel in that...I liked the idea of ending the song the way it started, to come full circle. But I agree that it makes it a little less slick. Thanks again guys!!

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