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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (on the unsatisfying front)

Between the game and the new graphics card I spent about $400 in order to play this game. That initial entry cost along with reviews/expectations made it almost impossible to enjoy this game. Come to find out I personally just do not like the faceless/emotionless characters in some american RPG's.

Actually, I have really fond memories of this game. I'd been a console gamer for some time and had just got my first ever desktop PC. I actually picked Oblivion up on a whim with a friend and, with only Gamecube games to go by, we were blown away by the sheer level of freedom. It was like Windwaker, but you could do ANYTHING.

I never actually got to the Kvatch mission, ever, yet sunk hundreds of gametime hours just looting, adventuring, modding and exploring.


I know I'm joining this conversation a bit late :P but I cramming my way in anyway :)

yoshi's story

for clarity this game falls under the category of least satisfying

That game was so disappointing. And half the time I wasn't even sure what the hell I was supposed to be doing.

And I can't stop playing a frustrating game

Yeah, I'm the same way, for some reason if I can't beat a game like that, then I feel like the game is smarter than me or something.

While the isometric gameplay was a good idea to put a naturally free-roaming console platformer onto a handheld, it did however result in huge navigation difficulties that made it difficult to keep track of where you should be going. Put that on top of the ridiculous requirements to get to the following world hubs and the fact that you practically need EVERYTHING before even fighting the final boss once, not to mention the ridiculous difficulty of the Speedways even in comparison to the console versions, and you have a painfully hard collectathon that may even make the guys at Rareware blush. I have only ever 100%'d that game without cheats once, and even then I had to look up maps >_>

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