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This is some nice instrumentation. although i feel that it's a bit right heavy panning wise in the opening, so you should check that out. Some good transitions here keep things fresh. Things get a little high frequency wise around 2:00 (where the flute and bells come in). It sounds as though you have yet to write an ending, but this sounds pretty good so far!


Very nice piece.

You should extend the crash's reverb to have more decay at 0:27. If it were a real orchestral setting, it wouldn't have cut off so quickly.

Like Rex already stated, the intro is far too right-heavy. I don't know what you could add to it though, lol.

The part with the bell from 1:31 to 1:51 is far too dry and repetitive--spice it up.

That bell that comes in at 0:54 is too "constant"--after the first bar with it, its 16th notes get stale. I suggest adding some arpeggios, maybe?

Overall, I feel like you did a good job with the panning, but the first half of the piece lacks the "oomph" of a strong middle section.

I like this piece though, I hope you finish it off with a nice ending! :-)

Maybe try an ABA' form to finish it off?

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